Project management

1. Build a personal site describing you, your portfolio and motivation of attending the Fabricademy 2. Create all the links for all the classes and connect them to the wiki 3. Include a small tutorial on how you designed your website 4. Plan and sketch a potential final project and add it to your website. 5. Upload it to the class archive

Class 1
  • SoftwareSublime, Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe Photoshop
  • MachinesMac Book
  • Materials -
  • Download files -
How to upload your independient web to the gitlab / for Mac.



Choose the template that is most suitable for the functionality of the web, in this case I have used a Multi-purpose Template called POFO. You have to take into account some factors before choosing the template or instead of being a help it can turn into a nightmare. Some of the points to keep in mind when using when searching for a template, is of course to be responsive on the web and telephone. Another point is that it has a diversity of pages, and styles with which to combine photographs, and text without having to redesign the entire page. Beware of the image gallery. Many pages have the indexed photos of a website, so changing them can be a difficult task if you do not confirm this point.


Sublime Text is a text editor and source code editor is written in C ++ and Python for plugins, very simple to use. It can be downloaded and evaluated for free. However, it is not free or open source software and a license must be obtained for its continued use, although the evaluation version is fully functional and does not have an expiration date. In my case I have spent it without problems and it works very well for me. Another software that you can use within the Adobe package is the Dream weaver, with which you can visualize the changes that you make directly on the page and it is encrypted if it is changed automatically.

Clone the repository in your computer

1. Make a local copy of the repository typing the command in Terminal: git clone https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/academany.... (use the direcction that you have inside of your git repository) confirm that the page is on http or it will give you an error and you will not be able to see it.

Add new content

Once you have the repository on your computer, change the folder edited with your template to the git folder.

Make a password

Now type again in the terminal:

git config --global user.name "user name"

git config --global user.email "user email"

once you type git add .

and the terminal will ask for a password. To know your password you must go to the git page and enter the icon of the main bar and enter the user settings menu. On the menu, click Access token. And you create a new token, copy it and paste it in the terminal.(It is better that you write it down on a note in case you need it again)

Make Push into the git

Now upload the files to the repository add in the terminal:

git add .

git commit -m "type a message here"

git push origin master