3. Circular fashion#
Pattern 2D#
I start searching more about patterns by making online research.I start designing my pattern, and how to connect pieces to gother to make it usable, wearable and attractive.
Pattern in textile#
start designing using cutter, pincel and paper
Start Designing#
In designing I used seamly2D software its open source pattern design software, but it was difficult to complete designing because it’s the first time I used it but I think it wourth to learn this software because it have tools for fashion designers and pattern makers. I complete designing on Autocad to draw patterns.
Autocad software#
Design 1#
Design 2#
Design 3#
laser cutting
- I used different colors of leather, orange and blue. The thickness of it 3mm.Usually when I used textile on laser cutter I put cardboard or any flat and stiffness material to make the textile straight and to prevent the textile goes under the bed of the machine and burned during cutting. But the leather I used only put it on the laser cutter bed and it goes straight.The setting for the cut I put the power 92 watt because the leather can't tolerate high temperature.
- First import to CoralDraw, then Print to Trotec JobControl
Her you can fined My patterns to try it
Another try
I tried the patterns in other colors and make some try on Mannequin.