8. Open Source Hardware: From Fibers to Fabric#
Objectives from Fabricademy website :
Create or hack an existing machine#
Produce samples of work from your machine#
Document and make a 30s video of your machine working#
Workshop with Studio HILO#
Fab Lab Bcn welcomed HILO co-founders Natalija Krasnoperova and Sara Diaz Rodriguez. They led us in a 3-day crash course on how to build their one-of-a-kind yarn spinning machine.
- Built Hilo Yarn Spinning Machines (6x machines, in groups of 2)
- Involved using electronics, carpentry + power tools, coding, and digital design software
- Learned the full cycle of fiber to fabric
- Learned how to combine ancient techniques (in our case yarn spinning) with the most current technology
- Expanded understanding of the concept of DIT (Do-It-Together) and open source machine frameworks
Fab Lab Bcn with HILO dynamic duo, Natalija and Sara.
Spinnen mit selbstgebaute Spinnmaschine from Studio HILO on Vimeo.
Materials List#
Step-by-Step Assembly#
Yarn Spinning Machine from Jenny Kleininger on Vimeo.
Video by Montserrat Ciges
Team Monochromo (aka Montserrat and I) with our final yarns
Creating swatches with our yarns#
A. Knitted swatch#
Swatch created by knitting cream wool blend + grey wool blend together
Step 1: Learn how to knit
- My mom taught my sister and I how to knit when we were kids, but I haven’t done it for years.
- I watched some tutorials and researched knitting techniques
- Learned the knitting process backwards: I started from the last step and worked in reverse. All I knew was that I wanted the end result to be a knitted swatch in which both colours could be visible, and at times interwoven.
- So I researched knitting techniques and found the two-colored linen stich, which is really pretty. But from watching the tutorial, I realized that I needed to learn how to do a linen stitch with just ONE colour first. So I watched a One-Colour Linen Stitch tutorial…and from watching this, realized I needed to learn how to make my stitches before I could do any stitching. This is called casting on, and is the first step of knitting.
- Casting On
- How to Knit a Linen Stitch
- How to Knit a Two-Colored Linen Stitch
Step 2: Begin to knit by casting on
- Cream wool blend
- Chopsticks
Step 3: Linen stitching
Step 4: Attempt two-coloured linen stitching
Step 5: Go back to single colour linen stiching
Next steps#
- Buy actual knitting needles
- Buy larger knitting needles
- Knit another swatch, with less stitches
B. Yarn image swatch#
- Prepared design in Photoshop
- 40 pixels x 40 pixels
- Input file into the Hilo software
- Machine to weave the thread was not working, so we just have the thread
- Visualized it on a paper “loom”
Lecture reflections#
“Open Source Hardware - from fibers to fabrics”
Presented by Mar Canet & Varvara Guljajeva, design duo based in Estonia
Lecture 8
- The history of various textile machines
- Open sourcing machines and hacking