7. Computational Couture#

This week I worked on my first Rhino-project ever (with the help of my colleague ;) The second step is Grasshopper with all its great features.


The topic of Parametric Design has fascinated me for a long time. I have never found the time to get more involved. The web is full of grandiose and impressive creations that have been perfected with parametric design.

@ http://mikkokanninen.com/new/en/parametric.html

@ https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Parametric-design-designed-by-Shoham-Ben-Ari-43-Generative-design-The-texlight_fig2_269048453 by Rivka Oxman

I’ve struggled quite a bit with this task. The fact that I’ve never worked with Rhino or Grasshopper has made it difficult for me to get started.

The idea to create a pattern with a software, to modify it in a flash and to adjust it parametrically has inspired me a lot.

So with the help of a colleague, I familiarized myself with the basics of the software and created a first sample. In Rhino, I drew a pattern of ovals and a mesh structure.

The next step was to create a pattern exclusively with Grasshopper. Rhino was only meant to visualize the pattern.


In Rhino we have designed two different patterns. A network structure consisting of connected triangles and a pattern of oval shapes. The further editing with grashopper is still pending and hopefully I will succeed soon.


I proudly present my first results with Grasshopper. On the screenshot you can see my pattern with ovals created with grasshopper. One slider can be used to change the random order of the ovals. With the other the frequency of the ovals. With the extrusion function, the design can be exported via Rhino as a stl file and prepared for 3D printing.


Download the grasshopper file here directly

Slicing with simplify3D#

3d-Printing with BCN Sigma#

After creating the three-dimensional solid, I prepared the file in Simplify3D for 3D printing.

For printing, I used 100% recycled flexible PLA. I printed the first layers directly onto the build platform of the printer, then paused the print, fixed the fabric on it with tape and continued printing. So the fabric was printed from both sides.

By omitting the top layer, the printed structure within the oval shapes is clearly visible.

The triangle pattern I printed without fabric to test the flexibility.


You can look at this project on the Open Source Circular fashion catalogue