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Welcome to my blog for the Fabricademy Course 2021-2022.

Fabricademy is a unique and novel program designed to apply new technologies to the textiles industry, whether that is innovations in textiles and garment processing or manufacturing or methods of improvement of existing systems.

And I am all for it.

About Me

Hi! My name is Vicky Luan. I am from Vancouver, Canada but am currently based in Boston, USA. I am currently a part-time student at the School of Fashion Design in Boston, Massachusetts with a heavy background in science. In 2020, I received my M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Boston University and in 2016, I received my B.A. in Chemistry from the University of Rochester.

My academic experience thus far has been incredibly versatile, stretching from the sciences to fashion. One day I learned how to balance chemical equations, the next day I predicted band structures for various semiconductor materials and the following day I drafted patterns for pants and A-line skirts by measure. I was also a competitive swimmer and continue to connect with the swim world by working part-time as a Masters swimming coach and keeping up to date with the latest swim news.

To gain experience in the science and fashion industries, I have worked with various companies such as Final Frontier Design, Daniel Faucher Couture, and Born Global Foundation. Click here for more information.

I have many other hobbies including sewing, painting, photography and video games.

Previous Work

Apparel Design and Construction Class and Internship Projects

These are a few of the garments I've designed and/or made for school classes and a summer internship.

Master's Thesis: Investigation of Military Textile Resistance to Puncture by the Mosquito Proboscis

My Master's Thesis was a study proposing an effective test method with potential to rapidly test for insect bite resistance - primarily by mosquitos - in fabrics used in high-volume production of PPE, utility uniforms, and activewear

The Thing You Didn't Think You Needed: Wobbly Salt'n'Pepper Shaker

Our team designed wobbly salt and pepper shakers right from the original CAD Design to the 3D Printed prototypes to quality test plans to the mass manufacturing cost estimates to the packaging.

Portrait Photography: My Freelance Experience

When I was really into taking portrait photos for friends and family with absolutely no modeling experience, I used natural settings and post-processed the photos with Adobe Lightroom to produce the most optimized photos. Click here to view more.

Goals At Fabricademy

I am now studying under Fabricademy in hopes to combine the two drastically different fields into one interesting and innovative world. Some of the goals I hope to accomplish in the next 6 months are:

  • Build a portfolio of fun and innovative projects specifically in textiles, using the skills taught each week
  • Produce a final product that will prove useful to at least one group of consumers
  • Collaborate on interesting projects with at least one other colleague
  • Expand my social media presence with my projects

The Plan

My tentative plan to achieve these goals are:

  • Keep up with assignments and deadlines
  • Never be afraid to ask questions and communicate with instructors
  • Research outside of the given resources by using Google, Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. to look for inspiration and examples
  • Over-practice the skills taught that week and/or revisit the skills taught in previous weeks
  • Maintain details in documenting

Last update: 2022-01-09
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