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Concept | Embodying wildlife

5 Ws who, what, when, where, why

I think I will try to do some sketches of what I think about.

It's very hard to do something from nothing.


The events unfolding in our world are distressing. Lives are unjustly cut short, similar for both animals and humans. Power often determines whose life ends abruptly. Heartbreaks occur incessantly, with daily tragedies involving the loss of innocent lives, including children and women. It's a similar story for... The mighty overpower the vulnerable, showcasing greed and dominance. Understanding these occurrences seems more challenging than I anticipated. To be truthful, every creature, whether animal or human, deserves safety and the right to life in this world.


Each day, we witness the tragic loss of innocent lives, be they children, mothers, or fathers, animals. I wonder how much longer this sorrowful trend will persist in our world.


Within households, nestled in the arms of the homeland, and amidst the woods, nestled in the heart of their dwellings.



maria bodil and Iris Van Herpen

Jennifer Crupi

Linda van niekerk

Samantha nania

Schiaparelli jewelry design