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Using the lathe machine in the lab for metalworking I tried to sharp the edge of a brass rode (10mm diameter) to include it in the collection.

The final result of the BRASS.

I also cut one bar into small pieces with the lathe machine after sharpening the edges to recreate sort of bullets to be added to my designs, referring to the hunting practice.

Some of the work in progress and different shapes of bullets.

Manual try with brass

Here I just heat the brass rode to give it a shape like the horns of the animals.

Here, I just try to do the brass horns with the metal lathe from the two sides as one, and it's amazing to learn a new thing in the lab!

I heated first the metal for 2 minutes with a torch before putting it into the press to shape it.


Finally I bought various eye hook pins from a local shop to be inserted with a small hole in all the pieces I fabricated. Some of them were not made of brass unfortunately and I decided to paint them with the same color with metallic paint I had in the lab.

This is the final result of the brass integration