Eunice Esomonu - Week 1: State of the art, project management and documentation

Welcome: State of the art, project management and documentation

For my first assignment, I decided to learn more about how I can document my work on gitlab. I used my experience with github to learn how to integrate gitlab and my command line to make documenting my work a little bit easier. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to talk a little about myself and the work that I want to create in the future for this course.

Documentation Website

For my website, I used template created by bootstrapious called Creative Portfolio and uploaded my folder that I created from my portfolio into gitlab. I wanted to turn my website into a seemless website created with HTML because I have more experience working with HTML than Markdown and I would know how to create a more seamless and enganging website for Fabricademy.

New Fabricademy Website
Creative Portfolio
New Fabricademy Website

GitLab and Command Line

For Gitlab, rather than individually changing each element within the Gitlab page, I decided to use git to connect my command line and gitlab with positivie results. I used videos and documentation to learn how to connect Gitlab and my Command Line like I do with Github. It made it easier to edit pages and to organize what I wanted to do for each assignment. Furthermore, I can work on my editor Atom which allows me to see my mistakes easier.

Atom Editor
Command Line on my PC
GitLab CE Tutorial #3 - SSH Key Setup & Pushing Our First Project

Goals for Final Project

For my Final Project, my goal is to integrate data visualization and fabrication. The goal is to create a bodysuit that allows to show data visualization in either real time or over a static seet of time.


Here are my references for my final project: