1. State of the art, project management and documentation

As I don't have yet any idea for my project and I am not a fashion Designer, I will show you some of the project I made or still working on.


My project during FabAcademy

Interactive Climbing wall :

ClimbingWall from JM Durney on Vimeo.

Last Year the Subject for my students was "SAND"

Some Fact about Sand to give you an idea :

  • 3rd resource in term of usage after air and water
  • 40 Billions of tons extract every year
  • Last 2 years China used the same amont of sand than USA in 100 years
  • At this rate all the beaches will have disappeared from earth before the end of the century.

unfortunatly there was not so many stuff to do in a fablab regarding sand. so I built an augmented reality SandBox: The project was created by UC Davis and well documented : SandBox

This Year the Subject for my students is "Plastic pollution under water"

  • I am building the shredder from Precious Plastic

  • I will try to feed the wax moth Galleria Mellonella which is capable to degrade polyethylene, then the worm make a silk coccon so maybe with this insect we can transform polyethylene into silk. So let's become a BIONEER

Why fabricademy ?

As I said I did the FabAcademy in 2015 It was like Christmas on steroid/MDMA, I was so happy to discover new thing, to try, make studid thing, even some days waiting for the milling bits to come I did nothing but discussing with makers, talking about their project or getting advices for mine, It was so cool..

Then after that I would like to learn more about bio hacking but honestly, I start to look the video of the first BioAdademy, but it was too hich level for me.

in July 2019 I discovered that the subject for my student will be about Plastic Polution. So I really want to learn about natural stuff instead of petrol stuff, bioplastic, batteria instead of animal skin...

then came FAB15 in Egypt, I met the whole team I was impressed by what was done at the exhibit and I discovered that a node will start in geneva.

On'lfait seems a small structure with a lot of motivation so it was logic for me to apply: 1st because it's in Geneva where I live and work and also good opportunity to create link with the maker community in Geneva and give Onl'fait a chance to start this courses with more serenity because I already done the fabacademy and I use to learn this way.

For me the main motivation is about building new material like Kombucha, Mushroom, Bioplastic.....

My inspiration

I don't really have specific inspiration, it really depend of the subject: It could be a TEDTalk like the one with Suzanne Lee or a youtube channel like ladyADA my hero Limor Fried (adafruit) discussing with makers about their projects (Show&Tell) or it could regarding video about design and links between nature and golden ratio, Fibonacci, fusion reaction principle.

  • TemplateMaker you like cutting paper & cardboard with a laser cutter and make boxes --> the link to have !!