12. Soft robotics

This week class we explored soft robotics, a field in robotics based on bio-inspired design, with applications in wearables, rehabilitation prosthetics, surgical robots, and rescue. It focused on fabricating soft actuators, sensors, and grippers using novel materials.

Thermo vinyl sample

vynilsample1 1. Design your piece to cut on venial 2. Software for cutting on venial machine - Silhouette Studio 3. When the pieces are ready, put them in the correct order: vinyl, baker paper, vynil again. 4. Press them together with the iron. 5. Put the small tube where the air is going to coming in.

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Silicone prototype

SoftRobotics1 1. Make on rhinoceros the design of the mold for the silicone version. 2. Choose an acrylic material 3. Cut your design on the laser cut 4. Time to create your silicone soft robotics! 5. Calculated the volume of the silicone and do the conversion in ml. 6. Put the paste and 3% of liquid and mix. 7. Put all the mix in a DIY pressure machine to make sure of don´t have bubbles. 8. When is ready, pour it in your mold. 9. Let it rest during 24h to be sure is dry. SoftRobotics2 SoftRobotics3 SoftRobotics4 SoftRobotics9 SoftRobotics5 SoftRobotics6 SoftRobotics7 SoftRobotics8


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