
Andres Krisar Sculpture, lives and Works in Stockholm

Lucy McRac Science fiction artist, filmmaker, inventor and body architect from Australia

Xooang Choi sculpture, born in Korea

Bart Hess Artist, designer and sculpture


Week 2, Digital Bodies: Since we started the assignment I have an idea in my mind, make a clothes rack with some cutting in wood some parts of a body. So first of all, I download MakeHuman, a free and open source 3D computer graphics middleware designed for the prototyping of photorealistic humanoids. It is developed by a community of programmers, artists, and academics interested in 3D character modeling. I saved it as OBJ and open in Rhinoceros, where i cut the legs and create three wholes for each with mesh to boolean split. It important to turn your mesh into a polysurface/nurbs model, using meshtoNURB.

Open Slicer, 3D Slicer is an open source software platform for medical image informatics, image processing, and three-dimensional visualization. Remember to import the mesh in .stl.


Fist of all check the green light in the scanner, if it is on that's mean you are ready to start. Create the box that will limits the work space. then the person that want to be scan should be up, and the other one take the control.

The + that is inside the red box it is to rotate the person in position to be scanned, you will be pressing it until the end. The + and - inside the green box it is to go down and up with the scanner's camara and complete the whole 3D body

When you finish you press the stop botton in the top. Go to PROCCESS , watertight low (so you won't loose to much texture) . Then SHARE , Save, export: first OBJ without texture, then PLY with texture anf finally STL without.



  • SPEED 0,8
  • POWER 100 and 20.000 in PPI/Hz, with 2 passes
  • To engrave the parts with a letter + number to identify them, the parameters were 100 in speed, 90 in power and 20.000 in PPI/Hz.



To book the machine and start using them alone we have to approve a test and follow some items:


To use any Digital Fabrication machine, you need to book it. To book any machine you must have all the below things done: Have signed the terms and conditions. Have training in the use of EVERY MACHINE. Pass the online test to use each machine.

Online Booking System Instructions

To make your reservation, go to this link 1º Select the duration of the service you need depending on the machine (30 min, 1 or 2 hours). 2º Select the machine you want to use: milling machine, laser cutter, 3D printer, BioLab support. 3º Select the date and time: first, click the desired day in the calendar and you'll see available time slots on the right, click the one that suits you. 4º Fill in your name, the checkbox to verify that you passed the tests, and the name of the project you're working on. 5º To finish, click "BOOK NOW".

Booking rules

Never book a machine if your files are not ready. You must have passed the test to use a machine. At the end of your booking time, you should let everything clean for the next service. The person who makes the reservation is the person who will be allowed to use the time slot. The reservation is not transferable to other students. Punctuality is important to let everyone use the space. You are requested to come 10 minutes before your reservation to load your file and prepare the material. Delay from students will shorten their fabrication time on the machine and will force us to quit the job at the end of the reservation time, even if not finished. More than 15 minutes delay will cancel the reservation. Missing your reservation without notifying fab lab staff will be considered as a fault (See the Penalties chapter). Bring your material (unless your using 3D printers, see chapter “Supplies”) Use the machine safely (see chapter “Safety”), all the safety regulations must be fulfilled. Due to a large number of students using the same equipment, 2 hours is the maximum time to fabricate. If your files take more than 2 hours, and there is a reasonable cause for it, please contact the Lab Staff and they will find the proper time for you to launch the files. Do not book more than the 2-hours slots per day nor repeatedly book for several days in the same week!



File legs rhinoceros