1. State of the art, project management and documentation¶
This week I got to know the FabLab better and started to getting used to the documentation process.
Working on Gitlab was intimidating at first because of some misunderstood information, but I gained more confidence while working on it. I had already used opensource image editors like Gimp and Seashore, but Inkscape was new for me. None of the suggested video editors worked for me, so with a little help from Google I found this Top 10 List.
- I looked for fonts I am comfortable with and stuck with Nunito from Google Fonts
How I changed the Favicon¶
I used Inkscape to trace a found image, changed the size to 32x32px and here it is:
Adding Icon Extension¶
Code Examples¶
Paste this into mkdocs.yml below markdown_extensions
- pymdownx.emoji:
emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji
emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg
Now I can use emojis ->
- Changing the size of an image:
<img src= "https://frettabladid.overcastcdn.com/images/374175.2e16d0ba.fill-988x570-c100.jpg" width="560" height="315"/>
In Gitlab it wasn't easy to remember to click "Commit to master branch" after clicking "Commit", which led me to my files disappearing multiple times.
Lightworks v.14 didn't work on iOS 10.14.05, tried downloading older one, but it kept crashing.
- Got a suggestion to download KDenLive, but it doesn't run on MacOS.
- Do not click on "Start a new merge request" or "Create a new branch"
Use to asterixes for bold on both sides of the chosen text and one asterix for italic
Downloaded opensource programs do not always run on MacOS. Check System Preferences> Security & Privacy> General> Choose App store and identified developers > There should appear a notification about unauthorized application.
Ideas for Final Project¶
I would like to explore zero-waste lifestyle, nomadism and multilingualism and what kind of tools one would need to survive in digital world.
Secondly, we are slowly getting used to masks, however, we still have to suffer from second-hand smoke, does biofabrication hold any solution?
This Facebook ad caught my attention this week. Why aren't there any suggestions to avoid second-hand smoke?
Useful Softwares¶
- PhotoCollage Online collage maker
- Ezgif Gif maker from photos or videos
- Canva Photo and video editing online
- Inkscape Vector graphics editor for Linux, Windows and MacOS
- The Noun Project Icon library
- KDenLive Video editor for Linux and Windows
- Openshot Video editor for MacOS