2. Digital bodies¶
This week I focused on learning basics in Rhino, Slicer and MakeHuman. How did it go?
It was a mess .
First of all, it reminded me how old my laptop is, since it could hardly handle all the new applications. Second, there was so much information, I could not digest it all in such a short time.
Finally, my physical body started playing tricks on me reminding me how difficult it can be to focus when you are not feeling well.
From Online Etymology Dictionary:
body (n.) Old English bodig "trunk of a man or beast, physical structure of a human or animal; material frame, material existence of a human; main or principal part of anything," related to Old High German botah, but otherwise of unknown origin. Not elsewhere in Germanic, and the word has died out in German (replaced by Leib, originally "life," and Körper, from Latin), "but in English body remains as a great and important word". For many years I did not feel like I belonged in this human body, so perhaps a digital body could be a good change?
I did not feel home in my physical body until some years ago, it often felt too tight and during some performances I had out of body experiences. This lead me to observe the other bodies.
Some works from an exploration of divine bodies using Matthew 26:22 “Surely you don’t mean me, Lord?” from 2015. I showed my colleagues how each one of them could be the messenger of any movement with a MixBooth app mixing a face of a deity or spiritual messenger and their own social media profile pictures.
Hide your eyes darling, people can see your soul through them.
Tip: Don't forget to delete the eyes in MakeHuman!
Moving out of & into the body.
Barnaby Roper's short film portraying a dancer leaving traces of her movement behind
Research and Inspiration¶
Raija Jokinen's Textile Bodies
Elodie Antoine's Felted Anatomical Textiles
Anatomical Fabric Sculptures by Artist Karine Jollet
Sophie Kahn's Death Masks
Aura 3D Skanned Skates
Jungle Lux sandals
are inspired by Amazonian tribes who dipped their feet in tree rubber for protection The "IGUANEYE Jungle" grabs onto your feet and lets you move freely on any type of surface. A minimal piece of technical rubber only wraps around your big toe and your heel. By doing so, it secures a thick and soft ergonomic sole that attaches to the rubber piece like a 3D puzzle.<>
Iris Van Herpen Face Jewelry
Björks 3D printed musculoskeletal mask The mask was designed by the renowned MIT professor, designer and innovator Neri Oxman, who has created computationally grown, 3D printed structures inspired by everything from bacteria to solar systems. Using 3D scans of Björk’s gnoggin, she generated digital representation of her bone and tissue structure, that she could then wear on top of her bone and tissue structure.
Copper is used as a grounding tool in India. Here is an example of it used in clothing
3D Printed Vegan Steaks
Learning process¶
The goal this week was to go from digital to physical.
There were various systems to measure the perfect body - Egyptian grid system, Greek kouros, Vitruvian Man of Leonardo da Vinci, anthropometric scale such as Le Corbusier’s Modulor.
Human body is a canvas for fashion designers, but as a rather petite woman I hardly find clothes that are made for me.
This week I:
- Captured my own three-dimentionality by being scanned with a Kinect camera and Skanect software while standing on a rotating disk which was turned 4 times by my colleague while I stood as still as possible.
Scanned manipulate a 3D mesh made on MakeHuman in approximately my own proportions.
Explored different types of Manequin making: Waffle structure, stack slices, textile prototype, CNC milled, 3D printed. What to do when you cannot make your own? Get a Flat Pack Mannequino is made by cnc which can travel flat and assembled or an Euveka, which is an inflatable mannequin.
- It was not possible to cut the limbs off my mannequin on Rhino3D for no clear reason. After many tries I tried to cut it in Meshmixer but the eyes and mouth made it difficult to work with.
- After making a new mannequin, the eyes and mouth remained a problem in Slicer, creating unnecessary holes.
Scaling the object in : Commands - Line -> select one end of the object and then second end -> Scale -> select line and object Scale Factor -> choose the size of the object (e.g. if you want to have in your height, let's say 160m, put 1600) -> Enter
Cutting of parts Commands - Rectangle -> choose the part of the object you want to remove (it has to fit inside the box) Tip View -> Shaded to see if all parts of the chosen area fit inside. ExtrudeCrv Tip Command Cap if not all parts of the rectangle are closed. Deselect all -> MeshBooleanDiff -> Select object -> Done -> Select Rectangle -> Done
Adjusting file for the laser from Slicer to Rhino - Export DXF from slicer -> Unzip the folder -> Drag and drop first folder - Drag and drop next files Insert instead of Open and arrange in one line - Make2D - Select everything Join - Check if all outlines are connected - Rearrange (nest) by selecting If there are Trim Join Properties -> Display color Blue*
Lasercutting Preparation on Rhino - Command Print -> -View and Output Scale- Window -> Set
Softwares: SkulptGL Digital Taylor MakeHuman Rhino3D Meshroom Photogrammetry for Windows HumanShape
After fighting off the need to not think about which or what body I should use, I wanted to make something practical. This plywood mannequin is inspired by my current physical body, in other words, normal body. There is a belly, splayed breasts and wider shoulders. The head is the most important part for me because I would like to use the mannequin to test my headscarves on.
Laser cutting and assembling the now "physical body":
Tip: Take your time assembling the object, slowly but firmly pushing the vertical parts in not to break the more fragile/thin parts.
3D Model¶
Video Inspirations¶
How to 3D print human tissue - Taneka Jones
3D Printed Hair by Cesare Ragazzi Laboratories