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11. Implications and applications


Hello! This is my first proposal for my final project, in the following links you can find my PDF, PP or PP online presentation. Hope you enjoy it, please send your coments to my email ( Thank you!


Deconstrcutive Dystopian interaction (HOW?) Through digital fabrication (WHAT?) re define the mask (WHEN?) for a everydays life, that will allows us to purely read facial features to have better physical interaction (WHERE?) in a dystopian tomorrow where wearing this device will be mandatory to go outside, (WHY?) because fever will become a normal sympthome rather than a sneeze and health will be more valued than gold, so if high temperture from the user is detected, this mask will inmidiatly shut down and isolate the person from the (WHO?) fragil sick hummanity.


I took as a main reference the work of Max Siedentopf, he is an artist that made a serie of photographs proposing to the society how to used home made things to protect themselves from the deadly virus that was outside, in the beginninging of the pandemic when there wasn't enough suply of cirurgical masks for all over the world.

For me is very interesting the concepto of the MASKS in general. Since I satrted the Fabricademy I mentioned my interest on the masks, I got the conclution from my first research of the concept, clasification and actual aplications of this phisical alter egos and I found that until a Pandemic appears, Masks/Helmets are optional, that this wearables are not mandatory, but also I found that for some communities seems they have strong reason for protect our faces from something outside.

There is a community in USA called PREPPERS, they believe there will be a nuclear war soon, so they are always carrying gas mask to protect themselves from a possible biological threat. There is also another community that are against face recognition algorithms that are based in the outside, they belive they have to wear a device to protect their anonymity from the goverment or from comertial porposes.

In the future, adding all the factors already mentioned, what will be the result? in this case, what type of mask will we have to use?

Lucy McRae The Biometric Mirror I really Love Lucy McRae's work. I mention this project here because she is demonstrating in artistic way how important are the facial features, in the industry of beauty, in the AI technology in the field of the face recognition there is a lot of research with a big porpuse of monetize all this information from this little piece of meat, our faces, i really do belive someday in the real market, there will be a lot of projects like mine traying to keep our face intact for human interaction and of course for comertial purpuses.

Hyungkoo Lee The Objectuals I read about Hyungkoo Lee works because for me it is very interesting the aesthetics that he has in this project of this feature magnifying mask. I like the way he exaggerates or physical parts of the face to try to compete between this "big nomal american faces" and asian small complexion ingeneral.


DYSTOPIAN TOMMORROW When antibiotics become more consume than vitamins, when fever will become a normal sympthome rather than a sneeze, when buying a mask will be more important than buying shoes, when health will be more valuable than gold, when the rule to interact physically with other people will be to wear this mask.

I decided to create my own scenario for this project just like a dystopia, I always wanted to made my own episode of Black mirror Netflix serie, where technology is in a extreme and chaotic scenario with a dramatic ending for the participants, but in my episode I don't imagine a sad ending, I imagine a different way to live, with rules to follow in a mandatory way.

Anyway, I thought it will be a different excersice for experimenting, just like when we were studiying a Master or something, but honestly I really would like to developed something that I can sell just right when I finished this year the Fabricademy, not because of the money but because I need to develop my bussines skills as an entreprenour and also because I really belive this sh**t hahahahaha.


SICK HUMANNITY The COVID is not going to be the last pandemic... Cancer, depresion, viruses, antibiotic resistance, immunological diseases, etc, will be more present than ever, do you really think that our health will be better that now? I mean I really belive in future the health of society will be very fragile, so much that people that die because of cancer reasons will be very fortunate because they will have time to say good by to their families and friends.

BUSINESS MODEL CANVA In this early stage of the proposal of my final project he idea is to make a real product for the real future market, so, the first thing it came from my mind is to make an basic excersice of a business Canva Model. I'm not sure if this is what I supposed to do for this assignment, but it is a good start to understand my future clients/stakeholder.

EMPATHY MAP KANVAS --- Here I made a empathy map canvas that I learned how to do it for my personal projects, where I try to describe with this methodology, what kind of user is going to wear my mask. It was a quik exercise but this defenitly helps me out to find the posible future user




E-TEXTILES AND 3D PRINT AND PARAMETRIC DESIGN My first idea of this mask or helmet is to make something simple as a socks, something easy to reproduce because everyone is going to use in this dystopian future. I planned to used e-textiles or skin electronics to detect the the leves of the users's temperture and then when the sensors detects high levels it will trigger something with the help of the 3D printer and through of the parametric algorithms make a structure that is going to hold a transparent layer to make this pure human interaction fabricated with the thermoformer machine that I made in the assignment of the open source machine.

MOODBOARD Here I let some references in my mood board. Not all the proposals from the past are industrial gas Mask, interaction was a need also before as you can see in the images where people have normal life, smoking, kissing, working, reading, etc. and their pysical face aspects are not distorted.

THE IDEA OF FIRST PROTOTYPE Here I sketched some draws for better understanding of the idea that I have in mind anyway, I will keep searching but I believe it will change a little bit depending on what I found more available and convinient for the situation.


Sometime I think this idea is super easy, sometimes I believe it is too ambitious to try to reinvent for completely this kind mask but I'm excited to see the final result, I hope I will make it at least "ok". Wish me luck hahahaha


It was really really really really really really really hard AF to choose a final project. As a designer and maker it took me a lot of time to decide for a final idea from the hundreds that I have in mind, really. Since last year I've thinking what to do for the final project for Fabricademy. I decided to writte a little about my experience because I would like to get some empathy from people please hahahahahaha and besides i have tons of work of my Fab Lab and besides in case I never have time to do this projects, maybe someone else that is reading this in the future, can do it. So here I will mention only the most important four ideas from the tons I had.

  1. SOFT BIOLAB Since I started the Fabricademy in September of the 2020, I planted and grow a lot of things in my biolab or food garden. Cotton, turmeric, cempasúchil flower, Hibiscus, Achiote, Palo de Campeche and other tress, vegtables and more ( I will try this year to grow my own cochinilla insects and I'm learning the process of how to cultivate and ferment the plant of the indigo for example), all with the idea of achieving food sovereignty and to produce my materials for the fablab or in this case for all the bio process in the Fabricademy. So, this idea was to make a research on how to produce from cultivating our own materials, fabrication and life cicle of the materials that we can use in a soft lab, so instead to go to the market to buy turmeric for my dye assignment, I will learn how to cultivate my own pigments. I LOVE IT!

  2. CONDUCTIVE BIOMATERIAL Other idea I really want to develop was to invent my own bio conductive material. I really like the biomaterials assignment, it was one of my favorites classes but when I was makeing my own i discover there is only a little conductive ones. I wanted to research about properties, I wanted to answer my self, until what point that material will be biological? and how dis conductive material can be applied in the real life practice? I like it a lot the idea but at the biomaterials for me are complicated, in my area the enviroment is really humid, all my biomaterials are decaying. Sad story but it is true. First I have to solve this problem and then I can research something more advanced like conductive biomaterials.

  3. MAYAN BIOMATERIAL With this idea, I was really excited, here in the south of Mexico, there is a tree that has a resin that is the original gum, mayan gum. I wanted to research about this, also I have two trees it in my Biolab, and I wanted to propose and developed this bio material for the world.

  4. BRAND OF COVID MASK The last one. This one was on my mind a lot of time, I really wanted to develop a brand of Mask for Covid but everyone fabricated with a different technique, one per assignment. At the beggining I was obses with the idea of making something I can sell when I finished the Fabricademy, but then someone told me that I have to focus in only one thing, so i didn't choose this one because of this.


Troy focused a lot on the interaction part using thermochromic pigments in the plastic I was planning to mold with the help of thermoformer.

Anastasia told me more about the musulman women that used Hiyab, she sugestive me to study the way they interct with other people using this wearable tha covers their face.

Adriana Cabrera told me that I should focus in one thing, we talk about my other ideas and she said fabricating a machine for making mask would be good idea or If I make a collection of masks one per assignment more less, could help me to achive this idea of selling them when I finished the fabricademy.

Isaac Pierre sugest me to re invent the concept of mask because it is so boring and not well adjusted to the face.

Miguel Juárez He told me to focus on one type of technology, like only e- textiles and play a lot with the interaction depending on the levels of the temperature.


After my review and my several interviews with other people I decided to change a little bit my final project. I saw the presentation of other years and I thought I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do, but after my review with Anastasia and with Troy I got the conclution that it was a big and complicated idea "Desconstructyng dystopian interactions". I have to make it clear that this idea for me is really good, because I really believe what I mentioned before but it is too much work for only two months, so I decided to follow what my mentor Adriana and other friends told me, that I should focus only in one thing, one technology, something I know the most, besides, another super important factor I persoally have is that I have work to do in my Lab, so being honestly with my self, I can't work all day or all days only in fabricademy, sadly but true. So I decided to work in my own brand of masks, that I will fabricate them with grasshopper and etextiles. Also important for me is to focus in the bussines model because since the begining I wanted to do something that I want to sell in the real life when I finished fabricademy.

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Links from the Review


  • Decide for one final project was hard AF It was really hard for me as a manager of a Fab Lab to get an idea for my final project. I took me a lot of time to think what do really want to make the most and my conclution was that I like to learn a lot of techniques and it why it as so hard. I liked a lot the assignment of de bioplastics, wearables, etc , but since alwalys I wanted to make a mask, that's why I did a research before about the concept and the clasification of this phisical alter egos and besides for personal reasons, in the las month of fabricademy I wasn't present, so at the end I decided to used the assignments that I missed in my final project.


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  • References and Concept development
  • Design: Understand how to develop a concept and service model
  • Documentation: Stakeholders analysis, Service description, Personalisation options
  • Final outcome: The product/service/experience is defined and ready to be presented to potential stakeholders
  • Originality - Aesthetics: Has the proposal been thought through and elaborated


  • [x]Document the concept, sketches, references also to artistic and scientific publications
  • [x]Create an Ultra-personalised product service system (UPPSS) for your final project proposal
  • [x]Map the potential stakeholders
  • [x]Explore personalisation at all the different levels
  • [x]Interview your potential users/target group about your concept, quantify results (extra credit)


For my final project I would like to continue my investigation of the Masks. When I did Fab Academy in 2017 I did for my final project an interactive mask but I wasn't satisfied about the final result, that is why I would like to make one mask for every assigment applying diferents technologies in each of the masks and for the fi


For my final project I would like to continue my investigation of the Masks. When I did Fab Academy in 2017 I did for my final project an interactive mask but I wasn't satisfied about the final result, that is why I would like to make one mask for every assigment applying diferents technologies in each of the masks and for the final one I will decided wich technology is the best for the purpose I want.

My purpose in my final project of the Fab academy was to Make a mask that allows you to interact with other without showing your physical aspect, it was more about erradicate the racism or at least it was the main idea, but for this time I belive that future will be with Masks, eather for Pandemia issues or contamination or for avoid Face recognition technology.

"InterFACE: Fab Academy final project"

That's why in my dream utopia there is a world where all the people wear the same mask so people can not judge you by your phisical aspects, so the only interaction is transfering relevant information between people. For example if I only want to interact with people with high IQ, I send my own data until I match some one with similar IQ and other data. Imagine being with this mask in a crowded public space, how many matches you could do? in that place could someone find ten people like the love of them life? Whouldn't be cool? Hahahahahaha Anyway, I always ask my self, In Which future (or present) dystopian we will live?


"MÁSCARA: 1. f. Figura que representa un rostro humano, de animal o puramente imaginario, con la que una persona puede cubrirse la cara para no ser reconocida, tomar el aspecto de otra o practicar ciertas actividades escénicas o rituales.."

According to the RAE, this is the meaning of the word "Mask". An artifact that can wear in the face and this can be used with different purposes depending on the context.


The word is derived from the Egyptian language and means "Jester". It is very interesting because in every culture and all the countries we can find them and all of them mean somethng different or at least has different purposes. Ancient cultures were the first ones who creates this wearables, they used to used it for rituals and usually made with local material such as wood, clay, bones, feathers or animals skins. Here you read about it NOTE: I will try to do the same, grow/cultivate my own local material in my bio-lab.

"First mask ever found in history located in Israel made by stone from the desert next to the death sea"

This masks (actually they look like Tim Burton's characters) were made by the first sedentary people, mostly like farmers. Acording to Debby Hershman, curator of the museum's Prehistoric Cultures Department on Israel, these masks had the porpuse of represent important old relatives and probably were used too for cults.

It is ironic because in the Roman times when the play in theaters was about a sad history or about tragedy, masks should be "happy faces", after all it was about a show, and if we think about it, it is like nowdays, everyone use an picture avatar on our social networks with our best picture to show everything but reality.



Ritual or Cult masks represent cultural, religious and social application. They have been used since long time a go, and they have been used specially for indigenous groups to represent a god, conceive the powers of the mask character to manifest natural events mostly like rain.

In the picture above you can see 3 different mask. First (starting from left) it's from Costa de Marfil from the Guro area. The other two, are from the artist Phyllis Galembo, here you can se his work, he made beautiful pictures of masks mostly from Africa and from the carribean. The middle picture is from Mexico of a culture that try to represent a offering. Third is from Nigeria and they used for represent the ancient people from their comunities.

The Cult masks usually are made of matereals from the local context that makes them very sustainable, the way life was before.


There is tons of entertainment masks, usually from hollywood movies, the "Alter Ego for fiction" might be my definition for this kind of mask, from the basic from Roman theaters, we can also see the holliwood ones like "scary movie" that nowdays are like a simbol of hallowen and of course the masks from the beaitufil venice carnival.


This masks are my favorite I guess, because they has such a big history behind, like resistency, it's politicaly incorrect, lots of energy for the expresion and of course people used this kind of mask for making historic revolutions.

Here I will show you my favorite three, first (starting from left) is for women movent against illegal abortion, they protect their anonimacy by using this green scarfs on their faces as a simbol of resistan against the stupid policy that, besides does not allow the sexual education, they stigmatice the preservatives and doesn't protect women with this consecuences as the result.

Second one is also important. In Mexico there is a movement called Zapatistas, where indigenous people protest against goberment. They have been always suffer because the big companies took their land for biulding factories, and consequently, they contaminate their enviroment. The one in the picture is "El sub comandante Marcos", I see him like "El Che Guevara" of Mexico. He is a big personality in our country. If you have time, you can watch a documentary about El subcomandante Marcos.

And the thrid one is from one of my favorite HBO's series, "MR Robot". In the picture there is the character of Angela wearing the mask. This masks was also for protecting the anonymacy of Elliot (the hacker) to send messages to the Evil corp.


I don't like Lady Gaga music, neither their movies but how I love her style and her creativity of her dresses and her shows. I really enjoyed her performances in the MTV music award, everytime she showed, she was wearing a different mask for the pandemic of COVID, she even say "wear a mask, It is a sign of respect" It was a nice detail from her to the world.

That is what I mean when I say (I repeat once again hahaha) in future everyone will wear a mask. Lady gaga undestand a problem and she was very responsable because of her influence and she adapt her style to this, and I think we all can do this, and it's not necesary to be famous, we just have to re think or deconstruct and see the masks as everydays life thing, like shoes, or jeans, etc.

Middle picture is about a start up that sells masks for breath clean air, they say contamination levels are very high and this is affecting directly in our health so they propouse this fancy masks.

And the last one loks like steam punk gore style, I love it. First time i saw it i though it was a horror movie chracter, but It turns out that it was a mask for doctors who was in contact with people who suffered from some plague or a not identify desease. Whit this rare form they avoid smells mainly.


Punnity masks are like morbid vintage style because nowadays this masks are not used anymore, like the Hannibal lecter that its purpose is that he can not bite o eat a person or like in the inquisition time that was for torture people in a very gore way. When i search in google "Punnity mask" one of the firts pictures it showed me, was a sexual mask, maybe it means "fake" punishment in the sex i guess hahahahahaha


This kind of mask is more about protect the integrity against violent factors such as a a piece of hot metal that can hit you in the face for the welders, o for example the toxic quimicals from the paint that can be in the air while they are working everyday or for a biological war. This last one it's a litle bit funny for me because when i was researching about mask, I found that, mostly in the USA, there is tons of videos of people that are really worry about a biological war, so they make videos showing their collection of this masks. They call them self as Preppers or Survivalism people. Paranoia?


Here I will show some of my favorites representations of masks in Mexico.


"La libertad del diablo"

When I first saw this documentary, I was in shock, it is really sad, rad, violent and a master piece, all at the same time. "La libertad del diablo" is a documentary that you can find on netflix by the way, it is about the victims's reallity in Mexico that suffer because of the Cartels of drug deallers.

As you can see the director used masks to protect the anonymity of the victims who were giving their testimony for this movie. It's really hard to have to hide from the world, something so importat as the face, but using another "face", something that it's not you, something that doesn't allow you to express your self, but in their reallity, this people don't has any option other wise they will be killed.

That's what I mean when I say that, in future, in somehow, everyone will need to wear a masks. In this case is for survive, but in others cases, will people weared against pandemics? or for avoiding face recognition? or biologicals wars? or contamination? It will depend on the each one reallity. what isor what will be your reallity?

If you are very sensitive, I don't recommend to watch this movie.


"La Tigrada"

This is a tradition from the center of the Mexico, the state of Guerrero. It is about wearing a jaguar mask and then dance and fight very hard, it is a very violent tradition but indigenous people from this culture do it since lots of years.

The porpuse is that for every drop of blod it will be a drop of rain for the crops. For indigenous farmers this is a must, they take it very siriusly because it is really related with ther ancient practices linked to their gods and to the nature. In resume, if they don't do this, they wont eat, so, for them, manifesting this fancy rituals and wearing this costumes, is for surviving too.

Once again, don't watch all the video, the only important information is between the first 2 min. This ritual has changed a lot in the contemporary times and now I think is more about violence. Sorry for the Vice video, it's not the one that I wanted to show but it explain my point. Besides, Vice show this ancient practice like "La tigrada" as a morbid tradition.


"Lucha libre"

The "Lucha libre"! I love this mexican tradition, it is very entertainment. Everytime I go to Mexico city I try to go to watch this show.

In this case, wearing this masks is about entertaiment. The fighters use the masks for protect their faces and to have a normal public life. It's supose that fights are real, and they supposedly the fighters hate each other, but not of all is true, it is really a show, the mayority are all friends actually.

This masks are pure for the espectacle, not for survive, neather to protect their face from hits, because they are made with simple fabric. Every one design their own fancy suit that combines with the mask and thats it.

Anyway I Love it!

Security and Punnity



In the case of the masks applied for health such as masks that doctors use in operating room, there is nothing special in Mexico. Everyone from that field use the same protective masks like the rest of the world, probably all made in china.

The same with the protective masks. I didn't find any special tradition that make people to wear masks for punitive yet in México that is way I won't write anything about it.


Here I will show my favorite and most inspiring Mask Designers


Come on, it is impossible not to mention her. She always express herself with her complex aesthetics through her pieces. She ofcourse has a lab, where all her team are using molds, laser cutters, and ofcourse 3d printers. For the Lady's Gaga outfit she implemented the mask, that I'm not sure it was the best way, but it definetly has an intention to integrate this new wearable in the all concept as a normal thing.


I mentioned him because of his electronics projects. I follow him since 3 years ago when I discovered that he was on charged of re design with a new translation of the traditional feather helmet of Jamiroqui that you can see in the video. I love the way of the detail he made on the motors, the movement of every piece and the armony of the lights. For my final project I would like to make something similar as a reference of the details.


She is one of my favorite designers. I also followed her on instagram and I really love her work. She works a lot with this litller motors applied on the body in general, but her last project It's insane. The stetic is so beautiful and the movement of the integrated eyes in the mask are so awsome. I F*CKING LOVE EYES BY THE WAY. I recomend to follow her, she is so inspiring.


Anouk is another Kickass designer, honestly, her stetics is not my style but the detail that se has in her pieces are so impress that really makes me admire her work. I think she is a electronical designer because she is always soldering and making advanced PCB's.

Her last project was made with EEG technology, wich allows the humans to control things with the mind. wouldn't be great to make a mask that reacts with this technology. In my Fab Lab we have and old EEG diadem, but I don't think it's working anymore, here because of the weather, all metals tend to rust, but I'll try to fixed, I hope it works.


James Merry AMAZING. He designs all the mask for Bjork, those like looks like an alien vigina. This man is crazy, I don't think he is like a technological person, in the following video It seems he enjoy a lot the country life. For me I feel like he is like an alien, the way he designs, the way he espress him self, the things he say are a bit wired, but that is why, he is so rad and cool.


She is the master. They way she applied 3d printed in wearables are so rad, but in her last work it really took it in another level. Togueter with her team, they made three masks with diferents compositions of biolical matters. This masks plays a role as the future Urns, their puposes are to cultivate life after death just like a contemporary and biological and technological new cocept of re birth. It is like to have a recarnation through this mask. It's hard to decided wich one is my favorite but definetly this one is on the main list. I love the way this project make me ask my self, what would I like to be in the next life? You can see in this article a little bit more information about this project. See algo Bjork masks designed by NeriOxman.


Now, thanks to covid, we have to integrate in our bodies a textiles wearables like a extend of our bodies nature, something that before had the purpose of hallowen costume, or to be a protective shield or to use it like a surgery tool, now, we have to deconstruct the way we see our self, and think, how are we going to transmite our identitis throuw this new thing.

Max Siedentopf shows, in a serie of pictures, the people's necesity using things from from our everydays life.

In which dystopia do you think you will live and what would be the ideal mask to survive in it?


  • State of art I had to look the concept and definition of "State of art", because I'm not sure If I ever did it in the right way honestly, and I looked the others students from fabricademy from previous years and It was very confuse, I didn't find one that convince me. Can you make me some feed back? Thanks
  • Drafting, writing and spelling Once again sorry for my bad english, I will have some one that will help me with this problem. Yes, I know, I really need it.


For this time, there is no need to buy any material, just to learn and write all the ideas and learnt codes.

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This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.


"Heterotopia follows the template established by the notions of utopia and dystopia. The prefix hetero- is from Ancient Greek ἕτερος (héteros, "other, another, different") and is combined with the Greek morpheme τόπος ("place") and means "other place". A utopia is an idea or an image that is not real but represents a perfected version of society, such as Thomas More's book or Le Corbusier's drawings. As Walter Russell Mead has written, "Utopia is a place where everything is good; dystopia is a place where everything is bad; heterotopia is where things are different — that is, a collection whose members have few or no intelligible connections with one another."[2]"






I think It might be interesting to introduce to this project's the UN development sustainable goals, this can help a lot to decide which direction you want for your final project. I took this Idea from a Cecilia Tham. She call herself a "Future synthesist".

I would like to develop a prototype where the esthetic is represented with a parametric surface. This is the hardest for me because I Mentioned before, Grasshopper is the most dificult part in Fabricademy for me hahaha


Face recognition



  • State of art I had to look the concept and definition of "State of art", because I'm not sure If I ever did it in the right way honestly, and I looked the others students from fabricademy from previous years and It was very confuse, I didn't find one that convince me. Can you make me some feed back? Thanks
  • Drafting, writing and spelling Once again sorry for my bad english, I will have some one that will help me with this problem. Yes, I know, I really need it.


For this time, there is no need to buy any material, just to learn and write all the ideas and learnt codes.

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Code Example

Use the three backticks to separate code.

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second

Last update: March 10, 2022