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1| Concept development

Project presentation - First Draft

" Cosmogony is defined as a system of the formation of the Universe. It is distinguished from cosmology, which is the "science of the general laws by which the physical world is governed." Oral narratives of cosmogony founded almost all traditional religions and societies, but many treatises on the possible origins of the universe were also written by philosophers or scientific thinkers. Thousands of legends of creation of the world and of traditional cosmogonic accounts relating to the origins of the world, gods or institutions, belong to the category of founding myths. The ideal figures and the timeless models thus have an important place. The variety of the creative narratives of the world, through their theories of origins, also seems to express the immutable need to describe and perhaps justify the radical transformations of the observable world, the Earth and human society. "

" Cosmology, is the study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe. Physical cosmology is the scholarly and scientific study of the origin, evolution, large-scale structures and dynamics, and ultimate fate of the universe, as well as the scientific laws that govern these realities. Religious cosmology is a body of beliefs based on the historical, mythological, religious, and esoteric literature and traditions of creation and eschatology. Physical cosmology is studied by scientists, such as astronomers, and theoretical physicists; and academic philosophers, such as metaphysicians, philosophers of physics, and philosophers of space and time. Modern cosmology is dominated by the Big Bang theory, which attempts to bring together observational astronomy and particle physics. Although the word cosmology is recent, the study of the universe has a long history involving science, philosophy, esotericism and religion. Related studies include cosmogony, which focuses on the origin of the Universe, and cosmography, which maps the features of the Universe. "



Project development


The project topic:

How can the motion of the sea be a direct source for an ever-changing pattern

= all variations are possible


Your key concept(s) / topics is it a product? service? performance? platform?

  • The project aims to design and produce... A serie of variations of textile patterns designed through parametric computer generated design using scientific data (including astonomical and mathematical) to produce a soft sensitive flexible output generated by the motions of waves at sea.

  • Textile product/artwork/performance- manifesto - textile moon/sea archive


What is the reason behind your project, why do you want to research the topic

is there a larger cause you are contributing to?

  • The project aims on producing an experimental work that explores how our experience of nature are mediated by science/technology, and our paradigms, but also by stories we share and our own sensitive experiences.

  • I have grown next to ocean (Atlantic), the rythm of the ocean had influenced me and water mouvement has always been a huge inspiration and source of creative thinking(storms, tides, levels of the ocean, salty air)

  • Poetic meaning :

  • bringing out duality - the real and the digital - in the work and create orchestral layered patterns that can be controlled and modified by a simple number.

  • bringing out duality: number vs form/shape - Rationnel thinking vs senses - Data vs matter - Science vs art


  • Using parametric design : a series of instructions/parameters/ a set of rules that the computer calculates to create create a visual complex result. As a parametric model defines a dynamic geometry where the modification of parameter values affects all of it.

  • using data collection as a material to create a series of variations of complex patterns, that visually will relate to the complexity of forms we experience in nature (lines, curves and folds for waves)

  • 3D printing plus embroidery


  • Oportunities, open call for artists, open call for exhibition art/Science. Artist/ designers


  • Till March 2022 and further on


  • Installation in the Lab and in exhibition spaces



About numbers

Cosmogony Cosmogony

Last update: 2022-05-14