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13. Skin Electronics

For this assignment i’m literally face to face to electronics again, but this time, it was not so bad as i expected.

As always, the first step of any project for me it’s to make a little sketch,

The idea it’s to make a GLOWING PEARL MAKE UP, where the pearls consist in half silicon sphere and inside there’s a LED to add this special glow that we need.


  • EcoFlex Silicone
  • 6 LED lights
  • Black and White wires
  • ATtiny
  • Battery
  • Digital Sensor (Same that i made for e-textiles)
  • Resistance

Let’s made our pearls!

For the half silicon spheres, i printed a mold where to pour the silicon and put the LEDs on it, so they get encapsulated into the silicon and create “the pearls fantasy”

Flo v/s Electronics PT.03

This time, we use Attiny to bring this project to life. The Attiny, a small microcontroller, with which we can carry out small projects, in which we do not need a large amount of memory or inputs or outputs. Programming of this micro can be done with Arduino.

So let the magic happen!

STEP 01: First things first, as always, to understand the process, i decided to made a connections sketch.

STEP 02: Once we have the idea, let’s start building the circuit!

Part 01:

First I started with the AnalogReadSerial example in Arduino, just to make me comfortable with the circuits.


It works!!

Part 02:


I decided to be daring (haha) and add more LEDs to the circuit (The six leds that i finally need for the make up)

The idea is to have the LEDs connected in a parallel circuit to turn on each of the lights in different times, some of them with faded and the others not.

Part 03: Let's try the Faded


For this part, i need a analog sensor for the faded to make it work, so i use a peace of Velostate that we have in the lab.

STEP 03: So, now that i have my circuit working in Arduino with this code,

int lecture;

int pinLED1 = 11;
int pinLED2 = 10;
int pinLED3 = 9;
int pinLED4 = 9;
int pinLED5 = 6;
int pinLED6 = 5;

void setup() {

  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  pinMode(pinLED1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinLED2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinLED3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinLED4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinLED5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinLED6, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

  lecture = analogRead(A0);
  map(lecture, 0, 1023, 0, 255);

  analogWrite(pinLED1, lecture); // enciende
  analogWrite(pinLED2, LOW); // apaga
  analogWrite(pinLED3, LOW); // apaga
  analogWrite(pinLED4, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED5, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED6, LOW);

  analogWrite(pinLED1, lecture); // enciende
  analogWrite(pinLED2, LOW); // apaga
  analogWrite(pinLED3, LOW); // apaga
  analogWrite(pinLED4, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED5, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED6, LOW);


  analogWrite(pinLED1, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED2, lecture);
  analogWrite(pinLED3, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED4, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED5, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED6, LOW);


  analogWrite(pinLED1, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED2, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED3, lecture);
  //analogWrite(pinLED4, lecture);
  analogWrite(pinLED5, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED6, LOW);


  analogWrite(pinLED1, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED2, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED3, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED4, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED5, lecture);
  analogWrite(pinLED6, LOW);


  analogWrite(pinLED1, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED2, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED3, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED4, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED5, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLED6, lecture);


i have to put all of this information in an Attiny format code.

STEP 04: Turn the Arduino code into an Attiny code, for this i need the for this I had to ask our guardian angel Josep for help, finally we figured out how to make the Attiny code.

int lecture;

int state = 1;

int delayTime = 2000;

int fade = 0;
int fadeSpeed = 20;
int fadeDirection = 1;

unsigned long previousTime;

int pinLED12 = 4;
int pinLED34 = 0;
int pinLED5 = 1;
int pinLED6 = 2;

void setup() {

  pinMode(3, INPUT);
  pinMode(pinLED12, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinLED34, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinLED5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinLED6, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

  unsigned long startTime = millis();

  if (startTime - previousTime > delayTime){
    state = state + 1;
    previousTime = startTime;

  if (state == 0){
    analogWrite(pinLED12, LOW); // enciende
    analogWrite(pinLED34, LOW); // apaga
    analogWrite(pinLED5, LOW);
    analogWrite(pinLED6, LOW);
  else if (state == 1){
    analogWrite(pinLED12, fade); // enciende
    analogWrite(pinLED34, LOW); // apaga
    analogWrite(pinLED5, LOW);
    analogWrite(pinLED6, LOW);
  else if (state == 2){
    analogWrite(pinLED12, LOW); // enciende
    analogWrite(pinLED34, fade); // apaga
    analogWrite(pinLED5, LOW);
    analogWrite(pinLED6, LOW);
  else if (state == 3){
    analogWrite(pinLED12, LOW); // enciende
    analogWrite(pinLED34, LOW); // apaga
    analogWrite(pinLED5, fade);
    analogWrite(pinLED6, LOW);
  else if (state == 4){
    analogWrite(pinLED12, LOW); // enciende
    analogWrite(pinLED34, LOW); // apaga
    analogWrite(pinLED5, LOW);
    analogWrite(pinLED6, fade);
  else {
    state = 0;

  if (digitalRead(3)) {
    fadeSpeed = 10 * fadeDirection;
    fadeSpeed = 50 * fadeDirection;


  fade = fade + fadeSpeed;
  if (fade > 255) {
    fade = 255;
    fadeDirection = -1;
  else if (fade < 0) {
    fade = 0;
    fadeDirection = 1;


STEP 05: Once we have the electronics part working, i need to pass the circuit from the breadboard to the wires that i supposed to put into my face.

And as always, i have some problems with taking photos of the process when i'm deep concentrate on something, so i forgot to take pics of the circuits process, so sorry :(

Final Results

Thanks for reading! :)

Last update: 2022-04-27