8. Wearables¶
This week I explored more the wearable world and how E-textile can be reinvented and further developed to create amazing electronic integrated projects. Here is what I did.
Wearables are electronic devices that can be worn as accessories, embedded in clothing, implanted in the user's body, or even tattooed on the skin. A huge world of possiblities that can shape the future of fashion. Through my research of what's out there I came across these beautiful interesting projects.
This week the circuits I have used required using a transistor. So what is a transistor?
A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electrical signals and power. The transistor is one of the basic building blocks of modern electronics. It is composed of semiconductor material, usually with at least three terminals for connection to an electronic circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals controls the current through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Some transistors are packaged individually, but many more are found embedded in integrated circuits.
It basically controls flow just like a nob.
all explained in this Link
Sounds and speakers¶
I fell in love with the idea of soft speakers. Therefore, I started simple and built upon it.
Here is a video of applications and processes that is inspiring
Soft Speakers: Interaction Design with Digitally-Embroidered Fabric Actuators from Interaction Design Association on Vimeo.
What affects it?
Materials used :
Circuit :
* Copper sheet
* Piece of paper or fabric for circuit base
* Transistor TIP 120
* cables
* soldering tools & equipments
* 100 Ohm resistor
Speaker 1 :
* Copper sheet
* Fabric
* Magnet
Started by cutting a copper sheet into a small spiral shape and fixing it on a piece of tulle fabric
I used the following circuit design by Liza Stark to make a circuit using a breadboard and Arduino Uno
using the TP 120 transistor
Uploading the melody tune example in the Arduino program, making sure I chose the right port and board. You can find the example like this.
Board : Arduino Uno
Port : choose the right port
I proceeded to try this on 2 designs that I prepared of the fingerprint and the tree bark for which I laser cut on copper fabric using these settings.
Power : 30
Speed : 1.5
The sound was clear and in some areas clearer and some areas almost nonexistence based on how close the lines were and how circular the shape is.
You can download the rhino files theough the links:
Attiny is a microcontroller with fewer features and pins, and less memory than other AVR series chips. It is very small and therfore suitable for hiding electrical components in wearables. It can be programmed to do a ceratin job using Arduino or other kinds of chips and methods.
ATtiny is new to me and therefore I started simple, by programming it through Arduino and using it to simply make a blinking LED. I used ATtiny45 and I followed these very clear instructions through this website to make it happen.
Here is a Tutorial Link by High-low Tech Group, MIT Media Lab. It shows you how to wire up an Arduino used as an ISP (programmer) to an ATtiny45 or ATtiny85
In order to understand ATtiny and how it connects to Arduino and other input and output connections refer to this picture.
Program Arduino to program ATtiny¶
I Connect the Arduino to the ATtiny as follows:
Arduino +5V ---> ATtiny Pin 8
Arduino Ground ---> ATtiny Pin 4
Arduino Pin 10 ---> ATtiny Pin 1
Arduino Pin 11 ---> ATtiny Pin 5
Arduino Pin 12 ---> ATtiny Pin 6
Arduino Pin 13 ---> ATtiny Pin 7
Using the Arduino ISP example found here
I then uploaded the code to Arduino Uno using these settings found in tool
Programming ATtiny¶
Now Arduino doesn’t support ATtiny by default so you have to use preferences from the File tab in the Arduino program and add this link in the URL tab just like the picture.

Note !!! Don't forget to put the 10uF capacitor between the ground and the Arduino reset pin.
I then used a blinking example and uploaded it to ATtiny using these settings
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
// initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
pinMode(0, OUTPUT);
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
digitalWrite(0, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(0, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second
by haneen ja'afreh
Colour Monster Toy¶
Through and after the class with Nuria Robles, I sketched my flumsy sea monster. A little toy for a toddler to learn colors from. From there I moved to photoshop and after that Rhino. I mapped the fabrication layers and drew each layer taking into consideration extra needs of space for certain layers.
I used the following materials:
Circuit :
* 3 V battery
* RGB LED light
* Copper sheet
* Copper tape
* Velostat
Body :
* Cotton
* Recycled Fabric
* Felt
* Zipper
* Threads
* Fur ( cut a little piece from a throw I have )
* Tape
After getting drawings ready for laser print by making all lines hairline width, continuous and red in color. THen printed to Trotec and choose the appropriate settings:
For Velostat
Power: 10
For Copper tape sheet ( with tape side on top as we are not cutting the copper itself just marking)
Speed: 20
Power: 1.8
For felt sheet
Speed: 60
Power: 2
- I proceeded to cut the copper sheet with scissors based on the marking on the paper side.
- PLaced the RGB LED in its place.
- I applied the copper tape parts I've just cut into the felt base.
- Then taped Velostat lightly as to not cause pressure.
- cut an extra piece in the middle to hold the battery in place.
- tapped the battery to the negative part of the RGB LED.
- Tested.
A video of the executed layers can be seen here.
Tested the project and it was working.
Moving into the final layer. I used old bibs I still have and used the fabric for the monster legs, each represiting the colour you'll get once you press.
I removed the white padding and replaced it by stuffing it with cotton to make it feel like a soft toy.
I used a piece of fur I have to make the body and add a zipper to ease access to change battery and maintenance.