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5. E-textiles


This topic of electrical circuits is a completely new subject for me and it has been quite a challenge.


We have learned and I have done some first circuit tests. Without Resistor and with Resistor.

Primary test of a circuit, which was then replacing the wires by a conductive material such as metallic foil

Test using an analog sensor that allows to change the intensity


We have tested using the Arduino software. In this case the tests were with my colleague Capucine Robert

Test using a digital sensor (Switches)

Test to change the blink speed

Speed 1

Speed 2

Speed 3

My project in this assignment

Using embroidery machine to make a design with integrated circuit

A jewel made of metal, in this case using a yogurt lid, functions as the circuit switch. This lid, on one side (outside) is made of aluminum, which is not conductive but on the other side (golden appearance) it is a conductive material. I have tested it with the multimeter.

Last update: 2021-11-01