Things I Learned At Fabricademy¶
Last Update: Jan 12, 2022
This page lists all the skills, resources and software programs that I learned while being a student for Fabricademy. Some are completely new and some are refinements of skills previously learned before the program.
Programs labeled with a where completely new to me when I entered the program. Those without were programs that I used and refined from previous experience.
Gitlab: an integrated platform for software development
Markdown: a styling language for web design
NuEval: an evaluation platform for instructors to review my work a compendium of makerspaces around the world and the incredible equipment, events, and networks connected to them
Mattermost: a communication platform altnerative to Slack
TinyPNG: an easy way to reduce or compress images
Visual Studio Code: (Version 1.64.00) - a source code editor I'm now using to document and edit my documentation website locally on my desktop
MakeHuman Version 1.2.0 - An open source 3D modeling software for protoyping digital characters
Rhino 3D- 7 Version 7.13 Evaluation - A 3D CAD and graphics program
Slicer for Fusion 360 Version TBD - A software tool to convert 3D models into 2D patterns that can be cut and assembled into the 3D model
Magic Weaver Version TBD - An AI-based 3D body scanning and measuring app
Capture Version TBD - An AI-based 3D scanning app for objects and bodies
Glowforge Desktop App
Grasshopper Version 1.0007
- Sindoh 3D Printer Version 3DWOX
Creality Ender 3 - an open-source 3d printer with amazing printing precision and affordable price
Ultimaker Cura - an open source slicing application for 3D printers
SketchFab - a platform to publish, share, discover, buy and sell 3D, VR and AR content
- Miro - an online collaborative whiteboard platform
- ClickUp - project management software
- Arduino IDE Version 1.8.19
- Sparkfun
- Adafruit
- Kobakant
- 3DWOX Desktop
- Food4Rhino
- Thingiverse
- Digikey Resistor Code
- The process of mordanting, scouring, dyeing, ink making and pigment production
Last update: 2022-02-08