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About me

Hi! I am Audrey, I am a biological engineer specialised in medical technologies. I enjoy to explore new method and perspectives. Fabricademy program combines innovative technologies and science through creativity. Besides, I would like to give a more important part to my creative inclination. That's why I wanted to join this exciting and intensive exploration program.



Pastry experiments

Entremet trois chocolats

Entremet trois chocolats

I am passionate about pastry, more particularly by the construction of masterpieces. Especially the French macaroon, a tiny cake composed of a ganache between two powder almond biscuits. its crunchy and melting texture is obtened by following a demanding process.

Important steps for macaroon

Important steps for macaroons

I like try new techniques and make something different each time. I experimented structure with ginger bread, house then castle. We have to pay attention to the cuisson according to the use of the part: light under cooking for curve part and light upward cooking for plane part. For the castle, some part were not enough cooked, so I put more "glue" to solidify the structure.

Structure in ginger bread

My documentation


you can showcase the progress on your assignments on this page with a grid below an example from the documentation of Loes Bogers TextileLab Amsterdam 2019-20

Project management Digital bodies Circular fashion
Biochromes . . . E-textiles Biofabricating
Open-source hardware Computational couture Textile scaffold
Wearables SoftRobotics Skin electronics

And in week 11 I proposed my final project.

Last update: 2023-01-17