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touch of the sound concept

All over the world there are people with varying levels of hearing loss from mild to profound deafness, from children with glue ear to those who have lost hearing at a later stage in life.

Although they may not be able to hear, deaf people can use the vibrations caused by musical sounds to help them ‘listen’ to music.

Music is felt on a physical level by everyone. Getting a buzzing in our core when the bass is plucked or feeling the power of a drum that mimics our life force is universal. A hearing person can only try to imagine the sensations that are much more developed in a deaf person.

The skin has been considered as a conduit for information, where a vibrotactile display can be added by an array of vibration actuators, applied to the skin.

The vibrotactile technology, will convert musical sounds that can be heard, into musical vibrations which are felt through the skin as vibrotactile feedback. It’s an assistive technology which has been described as aform of “hearing through the skin”.

In December, I had to choose the topic for my final project. During that time, I also had the opportunity to be a part of the organizing team for a hackathon on inclusion and accessibility hosted by Dreamups, which served as the starting point for the project I am presenting to you today.

"Touch of the Sound" is designed to help people with hearing impairments to experience music by translating sounds into vibrations on the body.

It aims to create a world that considers everyone's needs.


Video / Movie final project

Here you can watch the video presentation of the vest.


Here you can find the documentation of the working process, with all the important steps.

  1. File: Booklet 

Last update: 2023-05-12