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Hi, I'm Silvia.

About me

I have a diploma in Industrial Design with a specialization in Graphic Design from the National University of Asuncion. I’m a Fab Academy Instructor at the Fab Lab Universitario CIDi. I started working at the Fab Lab in 2018, and in 2019, I was awarded a scholarship to attend the Fab Academy Program at Lima, Peru, because there was no official node in my country to offer the program.

Fab Academy student 2019

Fab Lab TECSUP, Lima, Perú. Here's where everything started

Since I came back from Peru, I have been dedicating my efforts to strengthening the infrastructure of the laboratory to achieve international certification, plus I have been providing training to university students about digital fabrication technologies.

Fab Lab Intership Instructor 2020

Spreading the Digital Fabrication culture with students

Prep to become a node 2021

We were setting our Fab Lab during this time, getting the machines and talking with global gurus
In 2022, we managed to become the first official node of Paraguay and host the first Fab Academy program, in which I contributed as a local instructor. The course ended successfully with four graduated students.

First Official Node of Paraguay - Fab Academy 2022

Some of the final projects of our students

Bit Ninja scholarship 2022

I was awarded with the Bit Ninja scholarship 2022, in memory of Fabricademy Co-founder and keystone of the Fab Lab Network Fiore Basile. I am most grateful for the belief and support of the Textile Academy and I hope this is the first step opening the path to be a node that, in the future, can host this prestigious course,as we already do with Fab Academy.

Where to Find Me

Fab Lab Universitario CIDi
Campus UNA
San Lorenzo, Paraguay

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