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13. Implications and Applications

Project Pitch


+ Megan Noel, Director of Wildwood Institute for STEM Research and Development
Helped narrow down focus from overwhelming ideas into a compilation of what I have learned from Fabricademy into a lookbook for students to use for their own research during their Indpeendent Research Project.
+ Jaimi Boehm, Associate Head of School and Director of Middle School
Solidified idea for a lookbook or library that students can add into. Lookbook/library acts as an exemplar for students. Students can then use template and procedures to build off their own ideas and perform experiments Students can enter swatches into lookbook/library.

ideation step one

Information Management
What data drives the process?
Student mastery of course standards.
Who analyses this data?
me, school administration
Who receives this data? How and when?*
Students, families, school administrators. Standards for courses are sent out twice a year at the end of each semester (January and June) through the Learning Management System.

How and where is it designed?
At school, in my classroom (and lab space), and at home.
Who is involved in designing it?
me, students
What materials and tools are needed to design it?*
adobe illustrator, sketchbook, website host

How and where is it produced?
At school, in my classroom (and lab space), and at home.
Who is involved in producing it?
me, students
What materials and tools are needed to procude it?*
website (database), acrylic, laser cutter, paper, other...

How and where is it used?
Used in the classroom, students can flip through physical library and then scan QR code for a piece they are interested in learning more about, that will direct them to a website that gives them info on organism used, procedure, etc. Students can add into the libary and database to expand it over time. This will be included in their final project.
Who uses it?
Students (11th and 12th grade)
What is needed to use it?*
Phone to scan QR code

