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Component Application
18 mm Laminated Wood Easy to cut and resistant wood for prototyping, in addition to being at an affordable price, Type of wood: White Yesquero
6mm universal milling cutter Cutting milling cutter for the machine, make the cut very clean. 2 cutting threads milling cutter
Sandpaper number 180 and 360 180 sandpaper to remove wood threads and 380 sandpaper for final details.




Machine characteristics

Cnc router 1325

• Work area: 1300 cm x 2500 cm x 35 cm

• Spindle speed: 24000 rpm

• Cooling: Water

• Post processor: NcStudio


This is the final design of the machine, extra supports were added to resist vibrations and many of these pieces are fitted, although for the majority the joints will be made with screws.

Pieces in 3D view

In the cloud folder are left DXF files that you can open using Rhino8 or other vector software. The design is made up of 34 pieces.

Pieces in 2D view

Pay attention to which pieces are cut out of wood as there is one piece that is cut out of 6mm acrylic.

Difference between wooden pieces and acrylic pieces.

Configuration with Vetric Aspire

Cutting bit configuration

Cutting Bit configuration.

It is important to measure exactly the thickness of the cutter since it does not always measure 6mm thick, as in my case which measures 5.61mm, if you enter the exact value then the cuts will also be exact.

Cutting bit selection is 2 threads and 6mm thick Spinning speed: 18000 rpm

Cutting configuration

Cutting configuration.

Almost all programs to generate CNC cutting paths have these areas so if you have other software you can use this configuration.

Cutting with the CNC Router 1325

After calibrating and generating the home point of the machine we can proceed to cut.

If you have entire 1220mm x 2440mm planks then I recommend arranging as many pieces as you can as close as possible so we avoid wood waste.

The first pieces to cut were the largest to begin the sanding process.

First pieces

While the first pieces are finishing cutting, we begin sanding first with a number 180 sandpaper to remove the thickest splinters.

Then we finished sanding with a number 360 sandpaper.