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Component Application
ABS 3D Filament – 100gr Aprox Since it is an application in a prototyping machine, ABS has better quality due to its mechanical resistance and humidity.
Artillery X1 You can use the printer you have in your laboratory, later I will show the printing parameters to configure it.
Reality heat box For ABS printing, if your printer is not closed, it can use this heat box that helps maintain the temperature by creating a closed and stable space.




Machine characteristics

• Print Volume: 300mm x 300mm x 400mm

• Extruder: Direct Drive Titan Extruder

• Filament Diameter: 1.75mm

• Nozzle: 0.40mm Volcano

• Control Board: MKS Gen L

• Connectivity: USB, Micro SD

• Power: 650W


This piece serves as a guide and support for the union of two sections of the machine.

3D union

Taking the measurements of the tubes and holes from the 2D cutting model, the following piece was designed.


Configurations preview

• Layer height: 0.2mm

• Wall thickness: 1.76mm

• Filling: 80%

• Fill Pattern: Lines

• Printing temperature: 245

• Print bed temperature: 80

• Speed: 50mm/s

• Retraction distance: 2.0 mm

• Retraction speed: 25.0 mm/s

Configurations preview supports

Sometimes the supports are difficult to remove when finishing printing, with the following configuration of support densities and patterns it will be much easier to remove them.

• Tree support

• Support roof density 88%

• Support roof pattern: zigzag

• Adhesion type: border


After calibrating the machine we proceed to printing, you will need 8 pieces.

printing and final results