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13. Implications and applications

Final Assignment: Integrating Biofabricating materials, Biochromes, Circular Open source desing for bioculture considerations.

For my final project I want to focus in working and creating with what is available in the territory. Im not sure about the final result in terms of product and result, the heart of this project is about process, of identifying and collecting raw materials from my surroundings. As well find a way to connect this search with the local culture; something like bioculture. Im interested in the idea of revalue what the territory can give us.

At this stage im also linkin the project with my present time, wich is crossed by migration. Being at a foreing country predisposes me to movement, exploration, derive, search. As wall the idea of home, refuge, shelter, hideout.

Final Assignment: Integrating Biofabricating materials, Biochromes, Circular Open source desing for bioculture considerations.

Why, What, Who, When, Where?

I want to explore how local materials can bond with local culture, find a method to identify potencial materials to create, desing, and build and explore its posibilities. IT would be nice to get envolved with the comunity, and get the comunity involved for the search. The project is about process, territory and comunity. It will take place out in the land and then back to the lab/workshop.