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2.Digital bodies


Black and White Showcase


This week promotes the application of 3D scanning, CAD modeling, and digital fabrication techniques to develop both digital and physical body models.

During thw week, I explored different digital methods to capture and represent the human body as a foundation for design. I used a combination of 3D scanning and CAD modeling tools, including MakeHuman and Blender. These tools helped me create a digital model, which I then transformed into a physical representation through techniques like slicing and assembly.

I learned how to manipulate body forms using laser cutting and experimented with patterns, such as waffle, radial, and bending shapes, to bring digital forms into the physical world.

References & Inspiration

Marina Abramović

Marina Abramović is a pioneering performance artist known for her exploration of the physical and emotional limits of the human body. Her works often involve extreme physical endurance, pain, vulnerability, and an intimate connection with her audience. Abramović uses her body as both the subject and medium of her art, often pushing it to its limits to confront issues such as identity, gender, pain, endurance, and the relationship between performer and audience.

Ervand Kochar

Ervand Kochar MELANCHOLY

The big city, the symbol of civilization, dissolves man’s individuality in itself and destroys man; and man, the greatest creation of nature, is suddenly faced with the realization that his activities are disastrous for the planet.

Ervand Kochar (1899–1979) was a pioneering Armenian sculptor and artist whose innovative work combined elements of modernism with traditional Armenian themes. Kochar is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in Armenian art, but his impact extended far beyond the borders of Armenia, as he was a key figure in the European avant-garde movement during the early 20th century.


  • MakeHuman App A tool for creating customizable 3D human models
  • Slicer by Fusion 360 A program for converting 3D models into sliceable parts for fabrication.
  • Blender is a 3D modeling and animation program A versatile software for 3D modeling, sculpting, and animation.
  • Laser Cutter A machine that uses a focused laser beam to precisely cut or engrave 2D slices of a 3D model from materials like wood, acrylic, or cardboard.

Process and workflow

Process of Creating a Digital Human Body After attending lectures on the human body, I began by conducting research on the portrayal of the human body in art and its evolution over time. To gain contemporary insights, I explored digital body creation techniques used by alumni of Fabricademy. This research gave me a foundation for working with digital tools to represent the human body.

Creating a 3D Body Model and Preparing It for Laser Cutting

In this project, I created a 3D model of a human body, customized it using MakeHuman, refined it in Blender, sliced it in Fusion 360 Slicer, and laser-cut it from 3.12 mm plywood. Here’s a detailed account of the process, focusing on the tools and parameters I used.

3D scan process¶

As the first step in the procedure, I requested a buddy to assist me by performing a 3D scan with the Kiri program. We opted to scan me while I was sitting erect, and we carefully followed the scanning instructions. The Kiri program scans in three phases, which we completed successfully.

Step 1: Using MakeHuman App

Designing the Body in MakeHuman

I started with MakeHuman, a software for creating realistic 3D human models.

• I chose the Female base model from the "Modeling" tab. • Adjusted the Age slider to make the model appear younger. • Tweaked Gender to ensure the body proportions were distinctly feminine.

Customizing the Body:

• Under the Body/Proportions section: • Increased Height to make the model taller. • Balanced the Weight slider for a proportionate appearance. • Adjusted Muscle and Tone to achieve a leaner look. • In the Face tab, I customized facial features like nose, lips, and eyes to add more detail.

Exporting the Model:

• Saved the model as an .obj file by going to File > Export. • Selected Wavefront (.obj) format to ensure compatibility with Blender.

Step 2: Refining the Model in Blender

I imported the MakeHuman model into Blender for further refinement. Here’s how I worked on it:

Importing the File:

• Opened Blender and imported the .obj file using File > Import > Wavefront (.obj).

Cleaning and Preparing the Model:

• Entered Edit Mode to inspect the geometry of the model. • Removed unnecessary faces and vertices using the Delete and Dissolve tools. • Used the Merge by Distance tool to fix overlapping vertices.

Modifiers and Adjustments:

• Applied the Decimate Modifier to simplify the model: • Reduced the polygon count to make it suitable for slicing. • Set the Ratio parameter to 0.3 for a balance between detail and simplicity. • Used the Solidify Modifier to ensure the model had a consistent thickness. • Smoothed the surface with the Subdivision Surface Modifier for a more organic look.

Scaling and Orientation:

• Aligned the model to the XY plane using the Transform tool. • Scaled the model to the correct size using the Scale Tool (S key).

Exporting to STL:

• Exported the refined model as an .stl file using File > Export > STL (.stl).

Step 4: Preparing for Fabrication

Slicing the Model in Fusion 360 Slicer

Next, I used Fusion 360 Slicer to convert the 3D model into 2D slices for laser cutting.

Importing the STL File:

• Opened Fusion 360 Slicer and imported the .stl file. • Verified the dimensions of the model to ensure proper scaling.

Setting Material Thickness:

• Set the material thickness to 3.12 mm to match the plywood I planned to use.

Choosing Slice Type:

• Selected Interlocking Slices for easy assembly. • Adjusted the number of slices along the X and Y axes to balance detail and material usage.

Adjusting Parameters:

• Used the Slice Direction Tool to align slices for optimal cutting. • Enabled Alignment Holes for easier assembly post-cutting.

Exporting for Laser Cutting:

• Exported the slices as a .dxf file, ready for the laser cutter.

Step 5: Modifying in CorelDRAW and Laser Cutting

Testing process

I then opened the SVG files in CorelDRAW to modify the design for laser cutting. I focused on refining the joints and connections to ensure that the physical parts would fit together seamlessly. After a test cut to verify that the joints worked as intended, I proceeded with the final laser cutting of the human body model.

Finally, I cut the slices from 3.12 mm plywood using a laser cutter.

Uploading the File:

Loaded the .dxf file into the laser cutter software. Setting Laser Parameters:

Power: 85% to ensure a clean cut. Speed: 20 mm/s to prevent burning or charring. Max.Power 90%

Cutting Process:

• Placed the plywood sheet on the laser cutter bed and secured it. • Previewed the cutting path in the software to ensure alignment. • Started the cutting process and monitored it to avoid errors.


Collected the interlocking slices and assembled them into the final 3D form.

Assembly Process

3D Models

Final product

describe what you see in this image

Fabrication files

  1. File: [3d modelling of mannequin] Download SVG File