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10. Textile Scaffold

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Black and White Showcase


Textile scaffolds combine engineering, design, and art by employing textiles as the structural or decorative basis for the creation of unique forms and useful objects. The idea is to use digital fabrication processes in conjunction with flexible or rigid materials to produce forms that are both structurally sound and visually pleasing

Textile scaffolds combine engineering, design, and art by employing textiles as the structural or decorative basis for the creation of unique forms and useful objects. The idea is to use digital fabrication processes in conjunction with flexible or rigid materials to produce forms that are both structurally sound and visually pleasing.

Textile Scaffold Definition

A textile scaffold is a structure or skeleton composed of textile material that is frequently worked with through the use of digital patterning, 3D molding, laser cutting, and CNC milling. These lightweight, adaptable, and multipurpose structures find usage in everything from architectural research to fashion innovation.

Essential Features

Adaptability: Depending on the materials and procedures employed, it might be hard, soft, or flexible. The development of scalable and adaptable patterns is made possible by parametric design. Integration: Blends state-of-the-art digital fabrication techniques with conventional textile techniques.

Assessment of Textile Scaffold Properties

Textile scaffolds must be biocompatible with biological tissues in order to prevent toxicity or immunological reactions.

Flexibility and stretchability are essential for wearable applications because they must be able to adapt to changes in the body.

High porosity makes it possible for gases, nutrients, and waste products to exchange, which is crucial for medical applications including tissue engineering and wound healing.

Mechanical Strength: The scaffold must be lightweight while also have sufficient strength to hold electrical components or biological cells.

References & Inspiration

Hussein Chalayan Interia

The theme was inertia and Hussein had designed the dress to show movement and impact, the dresses were made by first machining them out of solid blocks of chemiwood using Hussein’s data from his computer renders of the designs.

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Esther Perbandt

The progress of this project can be quantified in two phases, where the same digital technologies are researched and developed, meanwhile the raw material changes, due to manipulation approaches and impact on health issues: Phase 1: PVC recycling approach Phase 2: Leather used for emphasis on demonstrating how these new digital tools are shifting the contemporary practices of fashion design. The shift in raw material is clearly and correctly justified, as manipulation of PVC causes health and sustainability issues, in small workshops and it would need a very complex infrastructure to be implemented for the development of one project.


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  • A CNC is a computer-controlled device that uses digital models to cut and shape materials like metal or wood.
  • A 3D CAD, CAM, and CAE tool called Fusion 360 is used to model and design components for CNC machining.
  • Blender is a 3D modeling and animation program used for CNC-related projects as well as for creating and editing models.
  • Bit for CNC RouterMaterials are shaped and carved by the CNC machine using specialized cutting tools.
  • Cura is a popular open-source slicing software designed for 3D printing. It translates 3D models (in STL, OBJ, or 3MF formats) into G-code, which 3D printers understand and use to create objects layer by layer.
  • A 3D printer is a machine that creates three-dimensional objects from a digital model by adding material layer by layer. This process is known as additive manufacturing.

Process and workflow

We studied technical textiles and their uses in a variety of industries this week, including  agrotech, construction, clothing, and geotech. Our main goal was to create unique methods that included fabric formwork, biocomposites, polymerization, solidification, composites, and crystallization.

Step 1 Process in Blender

  1. I created a random triangle using a plane mesh and editing its vertices.

  2. Added positive thickness to create a solid mold with the Solidify Modifier.

  3. Created a duplicate and added negative thickness to form a hollow mold.

  4. Organized and exported the objects for further use in CNC cutting.

Process Step by step

  • Press Shift + A > Mesh > Plane.
  • Press Tab to switch to Edit Mode.
  • Convert to Triangle.
  • Select 3 vertices of the plane.
  • Press M > At Center to merge the selected vertices into a triangle.

Delete One Vertex

  • Select one corner of the square, press X, and choose Delete Vertices. This will leave you with a triangle.
  • Scale and Position:
  • Press S to scale the triangle and adjust its size as needed.
  • Use G to move the triangle to your desired position.

Create the Negative Triangle

  • Duplicate the Base Triangle:
  • Press Shift + D to duplicate the base triangle and move it slightly to another position.
  • Press S to make the duplicate smaller.
  • Align the smaller triangle within the larger one (you can use G to move it around precisely).
  • Select the smaller triangle, press E, and extrude it downward slightly to create depth (negative space).

Boolean Modifier

  • Go to the Modifiers tab (the wrench icon in the right panel).
  • Select the larger triangle.
  • Add a Boolean Modifier, and choose Difference.
  • Use the smaller triangle as the "target object."
  • Apply the modifier, which will cut the smaller triangle out of the larger one.

Export as STL

  • Go to File > Export > STL.

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Step 2 Using Fusion 360 to Prepare Files for CNC Machining

Launch Fusion 360: started getting the molds ready for CNC machining by launching Fusion 360. Put the files online:

The Data Panel (upper-left corner) was clicked. Choose the Blender or 3ds Max output file (such as.STL or.OBJ) after selecting Upload. Drag the file into the workspace after it has been uploaded. Set up the molds:

The molds' position, rotation, and scale were changed using the Move/Copy tool from the toolbar. made sure the molds were oriented and aligned correctly to match the CNC machine's material dimensions.

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Setting Up Pocket Clearing

  1. Open Fusion 360 and navigate to "Pocket Clearing".
  2. Out of the Fusion Library, select "Tool".
  3. "Filter" should be applied to "Flat and Mill, 1/4 inch."
  4. In "Feed and Speed," set the cutting feedrate to 1350 mm/min and the spindle speed to 12,000 RPM.
  5. Select "Machine Boundary" as "Selection" under "Geometry," then pick out the drawings.
  6. To guarantee accuracy, model the procedure and using Ball and Mill to finish

Change the bit to "Ball and Mill" and choose "1/8 inch."

  1. The "Cutting Feedrate" should be changed to 1500 mm/min.
  2. For boundary sketches in "Geometry," select "Selection" once again.
  3. To confirm the final setup, simulate this process.

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Last-Minute Contour Cutting

  1. Go back to "2D Contour" to get the last cut of the shape.
  2. A "Flat and Mill, 1/4 inch" bit should be used.
  3. Modify "Cutting Direction" as necessary.
  4. Choose "Multiple Depths" under "Passes" to trim incrementally.
  5. For clearance, set the "Stock Side Offset" to 40 mm.

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Create Code

  1. To examine the entire procedure, model the last step.
  2. To create the G-code that is prepared for ShopBot machining, use Ctrl+G.

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Step 3 Preparation of the ShopBot CNC

We proceeded to the CNC room under Mkhitar's supervision, where he walked us through each step of the procedure and described the setups that were required in Fusion 360. We worked together to get the ShopBot CNC machine's file ready:

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Type of Operation: Milling

We changed the X and Y axes to match the ShopBot's setup and chose "Milling" as the operation type. Manufacturing Configuration

To guarantee correct roughing and finishing, we began with Pocket Clearing and Contour Operations under the Manufacture workspace. We used a "flat and mill" bit to prepare for roughing first, and a ball and mill bit for finishing.

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Safety Briefing and Operation Guide for CNC Machines with Mkhitar

We received a crucial safety briefing from Mkhitar before we began using the CNC machine. Wearing protective gear, such as safety glasses and hearing protection, is one of the safety procedures he ensured us were aware of. In order to prevent mishaps, Mkhitar also underlined the significance of keeping a clear workstation. When the machine was operating, we were told to always remain vigilant and to keep hands and other body parts away from moving parts.

Experience with CNC Troubleshooting:

We encountered a number of unforeseen difficulties while using the CNC. Three times the program crashed and we had to restart it. As we sought to determine the underlying reason and fix the problem, these disruptions greatly prolonged the process.

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After troubleshooting the CNC process, I used the molds available at the FabLab.

The Molding Process

  1. Cutting the Leather I measured and cut the leather piece to fit the mold size. I left some extra material around the edges for adjustments during the process.

  2. Soaking the Leather I immersed the leather in room-temperature water until it became soft and pliable, which took about 5-10 minutes. The leather felt damp but not soggy, as I made sure not to over-soak it to avoid weakening the fibers.

  3. Positioning on the Mold Once the leather was ready, I placed the damp piece over the mold. I stretched and smoothed it carefully to eliminate wrinkles and ensure it conformed to the shape of the mold. I used my hands and a modeling tool to press the leather into finer details.

  4. Securing the Leather I secured the leather onto the mold using clamps to hold it firmly in place. I made sure the tension was even to prevent any deformation while it dried.

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  1. I used Saint-John’s wort, which I had prepared earlier, to give the leather a natural green color.


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We also experimented with molding kombucha during our project. We carefully removed them from the culture solution and rinsed them to clean off any residue. The sheets were then laid onto molds we had prepared earlier, which included both simple and complex shapes, depending on the design we wanted to achieve.

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Then I designed a pattern inspired by natural forms, digitized it in Adobe Illustrator, and prepared it for laser cutting on leather. After cutting, I dried the leather with a rosehip infusion and used a flexible plastic sheet instead of a traditional mold to shape it.


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Plastic sheet

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Finally, CNC functions.


Cnc by Christina Avagi

Results describe what you see in this image

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Fabrication file