i want to impact frequencies in your body that make you vibrate at a different level -Miley Cyrus

9. Wearables


MiMU Gloves

Imogen Heap MiMU Gloves. Software gloves for creating mapping between your movements and sound.

Mika Satomi

Artificial Intelligence and its False Lies by Mika Satomi

Mood Ring

Anna Cain mood ring

Hug Shirt

Hug shirt by cutecircuit

Yoga Pants

Yoga pants by Wearable X


  • social body lab at ocad u
  • Gerard Visuals
  • Sound & Electromagnetic
  • Cameron Hughes

Can I just wrap copper wire around a tube and flow liquid through to heat it up or make it cold?

Something helpful for non verbal ppl, could your internal emotions be expressed through sound. so if you're mad the shirt would scream at you, if you're happy it would sing something nice and if you're frustrated it would buzz something at you, if you're calm then meditative music, if a man gets too close to you an alarm goes off. do men and women have different internal frequencies? how could you tell whos coming towards you

The Knitted Radio

Yoel Fink


References & Inspiration

  • Thermal Coffee Coasters & Ceramic/Clay Coasters

Squiggly Coaster

Wire Coaster Inspo

Candle Holders Inspo

To have a fully conceptualized idea I was thinking of *skip to the beat of my heart* or *heart throbber* other classic quips which were easy eough to actually create a full concept and device around. I wanted to have a skipping rope and buzz when it hit the floor or a sensor area on the body, I thought about making a beat box on the shirt, singing fake nails that would play when you touch, Thermochromic Ink candle holders, heat up coffee coaster, or Thermochromic Ink nails that would change colour when you set them on fire, or connecting another aspect that would sing or buzz when your heart rate got too high/fast. Too complicated. full circle back to velostat stepper, so we beep while we walk while our heart blinks, I'm hoping maybe if you go long enough, there will be some type of pattern we'll see.

Invisible Disabilities. Regulating Nervous System. Dolphin. Electromagnetic frequency date reading.




- Arduino IDE
- AD8232 Heart Monitor 
- ECG Pads
- Neopixel Strip of 18 leds
- Wires 
- Breadboard 
- Wire Covers & Heat Gun
- Wire Clamps 
- Felt & Other Fabrics 
- Solder Station 
- Scissors 
- Wire Cutters 
- Tape
- Copper Wire

Connect Heart Rate Monitor to Arduino

AD Device Device Legends

AD8232 Device Heart Anatomy

My sketches are ...

Heart Shirt Sketch

Heart Rate Monitor to be able to detect and indicate a highter heart rate which may indicate Panic Attack or Heart Attack. As a starter this week, I focused on being able to code and make blink Neopixel LEDs to the beat of the wearers heart.

Stick Person

This schematic was obtained by wanting to measure electromagnet frequencies in the body and the heart rate monitor was the closest option. Was hoping to see if you could measure emfs and resting nervous system so the wearer can keep track of their body changes.


trying to make it cute. I did test out my Dolphin Nervous System device on myself when wearing the device and the results were very interesting, the pattern completely changed. I would love to be able to work with this more to get a more functional piece made.

Mock Heart 2

Process and workflow

Solder pins into heart rate and set up in breadboard. Heart Breadboard

What a heart rate will show up as on the sensor. H Rate

The Gif shows the difference in my resting heartrate and my heart rate when I turn on my Dolphin device.

Gif Regular Gif Dolphin

Arduino Pin Set up

Heart Rate Arduino Pin Cutting Strip Cover

Make it look cute and hide the chaos of the wires. I wanted to have the shirt actually wearable but also cute af so i envisioned making a heart box vibe to put the actual device inside of. I used mostly scrap felt I found in the studio as well as a past failed 3D printing project to ruffle over top in the hopes of creating some visual noise to soften the light from the neopixels.

Heart Ring Open Heart Ruffles


#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define PIN 9
#define NUMPIXELS 18
#define BUZZER_PIN 3
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
int reading;

void setup() {
  pinMode(12, INPUT);  // Setup for leads off detection LO +
  pinMode(6, INPUT);   // Setup for leads off detection LO -
  pinMode(18, INPUT);

void loop() {
  if ((digitalRead(6) == 1) || (digitalRead(12) == 1)) {
  } else {
    // send the value of analog input 0:
    reading = analogRead(10);
  tone(BUZZER_PIN, reading);
  for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {
    pixel.setPixelColor(i, pixel.Color(reading / 4, 0, 0));

Heart Rate Code



  • Arduino IDE
  • Wires
  • Breadboard
  • Buzzer
  • Velostat
  • Copper Duct Tape
  • 100K Resistors
  • Wire Covers & Heat Gun
  • Wire Clamps
  • Felt & Other Fabrics
  • Solder Station
  • Scissors
  • Wire Cutters

Stomp Pads

Iconic Inspiration for the week at the top of the pyramid is Ana Delvy and her ankle monitor. Make it cute and it's a perfect option to store all the visual garbage that is the wires. Main reason I opted to use wire covers.

Ana Delvey Shoe Sketch

This schematic was obtained by my imagination.


the insole of the sneakers I was wearing that day. Buzz Insole Open Stomper

Process and Workflow

Stomp Arduino Pin Set Up

Everytime you step on the big toe or heel, the shoe will buzz. Intent is to turn this into a wearable sock/shoe add on. Ankle bracelet looking vibes. I will be able to add conductive thread which will make it very comfortable for the wearer, even embroidering onto a sock the circuit. Then the thread would meet with the buzzer in an insert on the side, closing the gaps on the circuit so the breadboard will not be necessary.


#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define PIN 9
#define NUMPIXELS 18
#define BUZZER_PIN 3

Adafruit_NeoPixel pixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
int reading;

void setup() {
  pinMode(12, INPUT);  // Setup for leads off detection LO +
  pinMode(6, INPUT);   // Setup for leads off detection LO -
  pinMode(18, INPUT);

void loop() {
  if ((digitalRead(6) == 1) || (digitalRead(12) == 1)) {
  } else {
    // send the value of analog input 0:
    reading = analogRead(10);
  tone(BUZZER_PIN, reading);
  for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {
    pixel.setPixelColor(i, pixel.Color(reading / 4, 0, 0));

Shoe Code




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