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03. 3D Modelling


Using 3D AI modelling software really helped me visualise my ideas a bit more and allowed me to insert these designs into Rhino to be edited further.

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Check out my Pinterest Board for my visions of the skeletal structure, I have been drawn to gyroid, voronoi, modular, and porous structures as I believe these will create an ideal habitat for marine life and coral attachment - promoting complex geometries, high surface area and varying heights and channels.

I was also interested in fractal geometry and examples of architecture in nature that were adapted to cool down surfaces such as mangrove roots and termite mounds.

1Photo by Pinterest | 2Photo by Pinterest | 3Photo by Ceciel van der Weide on "ORGANISCHE SCULPTUREN" | 4Photo by Design Boom on "Termite Mound 3D Printed Ceramic Cooling Solution" | 5Photo by Pinterest | 6Photo by Pinterest | 7Photo by Catherine Zhang on "FROM TRIPLY PERIODIC MINIMAL SURFACE TO ARCHITECTURE"

AI Generated Models

I experimented using Tripo3D to generate some models using prompts. I was aiming to create a model which satisfied the following conditions:

  • complex geometry for maximum marine biodiversity

  • high surface area for greater potential of coral polyp attachment

  • modular unit to allow for customisable construction

  • not many fragile extensions

  • relatively uncomplicated 3D printing process i.e. how much support does it require

The initial generated models are below, I used key words such as 'parametric', 'organic/biomimetic' and 'gyroid'. I am really drawn to the designs which have a lattice structure however I am aware how difficult this would be being 3D printed in clay.

I have also been exploring the idea of creating a modular pavillion, with the idea being that it would generate more shade and shelter which could potentially cool surrounding waters. I really liked how the last model model has 2 layers of surface, allowing for more alcoves and channels to form. A struggle with this would be 3D printing the overhangs - so the orientation in printing is incredibly important.

I adapted my prompts to include the key words 'termite mound', 'roots' and 'tower'.

The left model was an interesting structure as it got me thinking whether the core tower roots could be printed as one or in multiple parts with additional modules slotting in (similar to how the flower-like growths have formed in this model). The root structure would allow for dynamic water flow and plenty of crevices/ridges for larvae to get caught in.

Whilst looking at model on the right, I got a thought about russian doll toys. What if I designed a structure which could be comprised of say 2 separate layers each one varying in complexity and width of holes? Imagine the inner most surface being a Fischer Koch S column, the second surface which you could place over this column could be a voronoi-like structure with larger holes. This would provide a variety of habitats in a singular unit, whilst channeling water flow and producing a high surface area for larvae attachment.

The model that caught my eye was the one below. I was quite satisfied with this design as a starting point as I could visualise it as a modular piece that could be slotted through a bar and stacked. The model has varying heights and surfaces which looked great!

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Rhino 3D

I imported one of the 3D AI models into Rhino to imagine how I would assemble the modular structure.

The easiest method I thought of was to place a rod through the central hole and fasten the module with nuts either side, stacking multiple on top of eachother.

Using the Bambu A1 3D printer I printed this model using PLA with 15% gyroid infill - taking 7 hours in total for a module of palm-size. I was really happy with the outcome but was aware that this sort of structure would not be very feasible with a biomaterial - potentially a great one for clay though!

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Networked Mesh

Digital Form Finding | Networked Mesh

Plug-ins Needed: Lunchbox | Anemone | Kangaroo | Weaverbird

Relevance: I thought this tutorial would be helpful in understanding how to create channels and vein like geometries. I was surprised how extensive the grasshopper code was and it took me several re-trys to not make a mistake, although the end result still seems to be a little wrong.

Generating Tree Growth | Multipipe Command Over the Growth | Relaxing Mesh with Kangaroo

Minimal Surfaces

Minima Form | Kangaroo Tutorial

Plug-ins Needed: Weaverbird | Kangaroo

Relevance: I wanted to explore how to create a gyroid structure, the overall grasshopper code is shown below. The tutorial recommended creating a bounding sphere which worked alot better than the bounding cylinder I originally experimented with. I will also experiment with using a bounding torus shape which could create something along the lines of the AI 3D model I generated.

Modelling Minimal Surface | Generating 3D Mesh Model

Experimenting With Strength Values | Cleaning Mesh | Baked Surface

Kangaroo 2 Physics Simulation

Kangaroo 2 Physics Simulation | Grasshopper for Beginners

Plug-ins Needed: Kangaroo

Relevance: I am imagining an organic shaped underwater modular pavillion, so this tutorial taught me about combining forces into the code to create a compressive structure.

Anchoring End Points | Simulating Anchor | Preview

Differential Growth

Differential Growth

Plug-ins Needed: Kangaroo

Relevance: Since I have been inspired by mangrove roots for this project I wanted to explore how to create similar growths. I would like to see how I can incorporate holes through this structure to allow marine life to interact with it more.

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Using these images as inspiration I followed this great tutorial on generating deformed gyroids.

Houdini Algorithmic | Deformed Gyroids

Photo by Urban Reef

Relevance: As stated previously I believe the triply periodic minimal surface structure would both look visually appealing and provide many benefits to the growth of an underwater ecosystem.

Creating Gyroid Surface

Controlling Density (Res) | Parameter Shifting | Rotational Shifting | Angular Shifting

Combined Deformation

Some of the final iterations of this design are shown below, as you can see the curves are very complex and not suitable for clay 3D printing. In order for the print to be valid and also not require supports, the angles of the curve must not exceed 30 degrees. I am currently trying to see whether there is a way I can alter the script to include this parameter.

After some tweaking with Ana we managed to create some geometries that had the potential of being 3D printed.


I came up with two modular designs, the first being a tesseleting 'pavillion' made out of hexagonal pieces and the second being a stacked tower. I preferred the latter as it produced more interesting geometry and you could build many towers with different heights allowing for a varying landscape. The pavilion lackced this as the height across would remain pretty much the same.

Future Ecosystem

I have selected a few of the many organisms whose habitat is coral reefs in the Philippines, to portray the future ecosystem that I hope my structure will develop. These organisms thrive in a variety of spaces and environments which my design caters for.

Mentoring Notes


Ana suggested I look further into the feasibility of 3D printing in clay i.e. what is the maximum overhang, how could I print the channels and what rotation will the module be in when printed.

She also helped me visualise how I could create a modular structure in other ways such as:

  • cutting the torus shaped AI module into 'pizza slices'

  • inserting each channel into holes in the torus to make the piece more customisable

  • printing in columns and then rotating them in the desired way during assembly.

Oscar and Cecilia

  • start testing the material in the water soon, it doesn't have to be the right structure

  • if I am focusing on water cooling, think about how I can create pressure to force cold water from the bottom to travel to the top of the structure

  • think about who the other contributors are in the ecosystem, what is there involvement in coral growth?

  • expand your network of microbiologists on a smaller scale, the larger organisations may be too busy

  • start prototyping with clay now and show the timeline

  • remember the final product doesn't have to have all the designs fully integrated, you can show the separate designs and how they would work together

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Fabrication files