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08. Presentations


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Initial Presentation

Project by holly adams

Mentoring Feedback


  • Are you able to think about the possibilities of applying it to the catalan coast?

  • Can the reef be for other keystone species that create habitats other than coral?

Focus on the *material development and, at the same time talk with local marine biologists to explore possibilities.


  • Do you already have an idea of how to test this? When are you 'successful'?

  • What stage of development will you be working in as these ideas usually take a long time to be tested

  • How will you differ/build upon the work of others, in collaboration?

Test the material in the sea to see if it will remain intact with currents.


Keep the project as local as possible. Some species like sponges can be found by the beach, some are actually invasive - like the poseidona oceanica and can be used for further experiments. Start by going to the bech and see what you can collect.


Pursue natural materials as your print material - crushed up seashells miced with an ocean-safe binder, then fired in a kiln to make it hard and durable. Different levels of porosity are ideal. To print complex structures such as auxetics and voronoi consider using a water soluble support. You can test your system in a salt water aquarium tank.


Research non-toxic material for printing, to avoid harming the ecosystem. Check out the book 'Seaweed Revolution' which delves into cyanobacteria and marine fauna.

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Things to check out:

The Ocean Speaks - Disseny Hub Barcelona

Underwater Gardens

Barcelona Concrete Coral Reef Project

Seaweed Revolution Book

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Midterm Presentation

Holly Adams by holly adams

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Mentoring Feedback


Have a look to the structure of insect hotels and how the community is participating to create them and why they use different type of woods to welcome different insects. Which creatures are welcomed in your insects hotel/ocean creature space? For which type of biodiversity are you designing it for? - will the structure stand in the deep of the ocean? and for how long? Maybe the oyster powder can be combined in a different way to create the weight.


I would experiment with adding randomness to your procedural designs. Could a temporary kiln be constructed in situ - to avoid having to ship the fired parts across the world? The ability to print and fire proximate to the 'drop site' would greatly enhance the environmental benefit of your amazing idea. I do believe that the last component of your project...the material vital to the success of your project. While the shape aesthetics is definitely a consideration...what coral care about are the micropores that humans cannot really see very well. Investigating your prints with a microscope to show porosity would add substance to your presentation

Video Moodboard

Location: IAAC Robots | Photobooth p59


Music: My Future is Off-World - Malte Marten

Scene 1-5: Coral Reefs Thriving

Video - Royalty free videos of coral reefs with an abundance of life

Audio - Snippet of voiceover from an interview with Dr Sylvia Earle

Scene 5-8: Industrial Takeover

Video - Royalty free videos of fossil fuel plants, landfills, toxic waste etc

Scene 8-10: Marine Life Dying

Video - Royality free coral reefs bleaching, dead marine environments

Scene 10-12: Robot Printing Timelapse

Video - 3D printing clay with IAAC robot, timelapse of different angles

Location: IAAC Robotic Space

Scene 12+: 3D Structure in Environment

Video - Reef in photobooth on sand, with projections of marine life

Props - Projector x 2, 3D printed corals potentially spray painted

Location - IAAC Photobooth