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9. Wearables


In textile design, "weable" typically refers to materials, structures, or components that are suitable for weaving. These can be fibers, threads, or other flexible elements that can interlace in a warp and weft pattern to form a fabric. For example, traditional fibers like cotton, wool, and silk are weable because they have the flexibility, durability, and strength to be woven on a loom. Modern weable materials might also include synthetic fibers like polyester or specialized conductive threads used in smart textiles and e-textiles, which can carry electrical signals and allow for interactive or responsive fabric designs.

References & Inspiration

Today's manufacturers understand the importance of meeting customer needs. In the textile and fashion industries, success often comes from adding advanced technology into fabrics. This has led to the rise of "smart clothes." Unlike regular wearable devices, these clothes look normal but have built-in technology. smart clothes

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Inspired by the vibrant and futuristic designs of Neon Cowboys' scarves, I envision creating a wearable textile that merges bold, glowing aesthetics with functionality. Their playful use of neon colors and light elements sparks ideas for integrating LED or electroluminescent components into textiles, crafting accessories that are both fashion-forward and interactive. This inspiration aligns perfectly with my passion for blending technology and design to create unique, eye-catching pieces. Neon Cowboys

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In the fifth week of the course, I focused on experimenting with various circuits and components to understand their functions and interactions. This hands-on process helped me learn how the components behave, test their compatibility, and fine-tune configurations for better performance. These explorations laid a solid foundation for designing my envisioned wearable device and ensured I could integrate the components effectively into my final project.


The XIAO ESP32-C3 is a tiny, powerful board that combines Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It uses a fast RISC-V processor and is perfect for small projects like wearables and smart devices. alt text

1. Materials Needed

XIAO ESP32-C3 : The main microcontroller for your wearable project.

Neopixels: for lighting effects in wearables

Jumper wires: To connect the components.

Battery pack: To power the Flora board when worn.

Potentiometer: for adjusting opixels brightness,

Circuit sketch

The circuit sketch integrates LEDs, a power source, and a Xiao ESP32 to make the scarf interactive and functional. It ensures flexibility, aligns with the scarf’s design, and offers a lightweight, wearable solution with smart connectivity. alt text

Scarf sketch

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Circuit diagram

This circuit diagram shows how the LEDs, battery, and safety pin switch are connected to make the scarf interactive. Conductive thread is used to create the electrical pathways, while the battery is hidden inside the knitted covers. The safety pin acts as a switch to turn the LEDs on and off, allowing the scarf to light up when needed. The design combines simplicity and functionality, making it both wearable and responsive. alt text


// Define the LED pins
const int ledPin1 = 1;  // D1 corresponds to GPIO1 on the ESP32-C3
const int ledPin2 = 2;  // D2 corresponds to GPIO2 on the ESP32-C3
const int ledPin3 = 3;  // D3 corresponds to GPIO3 on the ESP32-C3
const int ledPin4 = 4;  // D4 corresponds to GPIO4 on the ESP32-C3
const int ledPin5 = 5;  // D5 corresponds to GPIO5 on the ESP32-C3

void setup() {
  // Initialize all LED pins as outputs
  pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin5, OUTPUT);

  // Ensure all LEDs start off
  digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledPin3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledPin4, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledPin5, LOW);

void loop() {
  // First, blink all LEDs together
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPin3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPin4, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPin5, HIGH);
    delay(500);  // Wait for 500 milliseconds

    digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin4, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin5, LOW);
    delay(500);  // Wait for 500 milliseconds

  // Then, blink LEDs one by one
  digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);

  digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(ledPin3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPin3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(ledPin4, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPin4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(ledPin5, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPin5, LOW);
                     // wait for a second


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First trial

For my first trial, I placed a small textile piece on my body to test its flexibility and comfort. This helped me assess its wearability and sparked ideas for improvement.


This picture shows how my wearable looks, highlighting the seamless integration of the pixels into the fabric for a sleek, functional design.

alt text Here is a video showcasing my wearable textile, taken over three different periods to demonstrate its development and functionality.

Vibrating Textile

Inspiring projects

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Materials Needed

✅ Crochet hook (size depends on your yarn)

✅ Mini vibration motor (coin or small DC motor)

✅ Conductive thread (or thin flexible wires)

✅ 3V coin cell battery or LiPo battery

✅ Battery holder (optional)

✅ Small switch (or use a snap button as a switch)

✅ Needle & thread

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1️⃣ Crochet the Base Glove

Use a simple crochet pattern to make a fingerless glove or a full glove.

2️⃣ Attach the Vibration Motor

Sew the motor inside the glove, ideally at the palm, fingertips, or back of the hand. You can create a small crochet pocket to hold the motor in place.

3️⃣ Connect the Circuit

Sew conductive thread from the motor’s positive wire to the battery’s positive side. Sew another thread from the motor’s negative wire to the battery’s negative side.

4️⃣ Secure the Connections

Insulate the conductive thread so it doesn’t short-circuit. You can use fabric glue, clear nail polish, or heat shrink tubing to protect the wires.

5️⃣ Test Your Glove!

Insert the battery and turn on the switch—your crocheted glove should now vibrate gently


#define MOTOR_PIN D3  // Connect to transistor base via 1kΩ resistor
#define BUTTON_PIN D2  // Connect a button (or use touch sensor)

// Setup
void setup() {
  pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Button is HIGH when not pressed

// Loop
void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == LOW) {  // If button is pressed
    digitalWrite(MOTOR_PIN, HIGH);  // Turn ON vibration
    delay(500);  // Vibrate for 500ms
    digitalWrite(MOTOR_PIN, LOW);   // Turn OFF vibration

Circuit Diagram

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