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All images by Isobel Jo Leonard unless captioned otherwise, 2024.

❁About me❁

Hi I’m Issy and I am a Northumbrian artist working in an expanded field of sculpture, incorporating installation, sound and moving image.

With my work I explore our relationship with the ✴︎natural world✴︎ and how we mediate it through our bodies, constructed world and technology. My practice has a strong focus on material exploration. I am excited by the sensorial possibilities of material to illicit association, emotion and memory. I believe in the power of embodied experience and am constantly curious as to how I can harness this to discuss themes such as vulnerability, interconnectedness and temporality ♲.


After Michelangelo's David, 1504.

⍣My Background⍣

I graduated from the Edinburgh College of Art with a BA in Sculpture and have since been working in art fabrication and engagement.

At the fantastic Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, I have been assisting on a programme designed to engage children with the arts through material play. I am passionate about accessibility in the arts, creative education and the power of messing and making together ✪.



Fabricademy connects so many things that excite and inspire me.

For me, bringing together craftsmanship and sustainability is at the heart of this. I am excited to reconfigure my practice with ecological responsibility at it's core, by exploring circular design, bio and digital fabrication. I was also attracted to the interdisciplinary community of practice Fabricademy brings together. In my research I draw from evolutionary biology, archaeology, material culture, design etc. so the possibility of geting to learn alongside likeminds, whom are open to collaboration and exchange, motivated me to apply.

I have little experience with most of the processes covered on the course, but I am leaving myself open to the wonderful possibilities that will come with each encounter.


🀦Previous work🀣

Here is my portfolio to date, comprised of work I made during my degree and on various residencies afterwards:**

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Video taken of Light Art workshop I facilitated with P5 students at Trinity Primary,Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, 2023.→

←Collaborative Artwork by students at Trinity Primary made during this workshop, 2023.
