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12. Skin Electronics

This week focuses on integrating electronics with the human body, exploring how technology can be embedded into textiles and worn directly on the skin. The goal is to understand how sensors, conductive materials, and wearable circuits can interact with movement, temperature, and touch. By experimenting with e-textiles, smart fabrics, and biofeedback systems, we aim to create functional and innovative designs that enhance personal expression, accessibility, or even health monitoring. This hands-on approach allows us to push the boundaries of fashion and technology, merging them into seamless, body-friendly applications.


Materials and Technologies used

  1. Install the Board Manager for your AT tiny : copy paste this link into Parameters > additional board manager URLs :

  2. Download the library : Tools > Board > Board Manager > Research Library > ATtiny by David > Install library

  3. Set up the Arduino as an ISP (programmer) : File > Example > ArduinoISP and upload the file to your Arduino (which is not connected to anything else !)

  4. Circuit connect components as seen on schematics

  5. Circuit Connect the other components of your circuit, for example your LED and 220 ohms resistor

  6. Upload sketch to the ATtiny : Open sketch > Make sure the pin correspond to the Attiny pins > Sketch > Upload using Programmer. If it worked you should see your circuit working following the sketch. If not check your connections

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I found my inspiration in Halloween makeup—it’s truly amazing, and I really love it. The way makeup can transform a person’s appearance with creative illusions, textures, and colors fascinates me. The ability to create eerie, futuristic, or even surreal effects through layering and shading is something I’d love to incorporate into my work. This blend of artistry and transformation sparks new ideas for how I can merge fashion, technology, and self-expression in innovative ways.

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Process and workflow

My sketches is ...

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const int ledPin = 13;    // LED connected to digital pin 13
const int switchPin = 7;  // Switch connected to digital pin 7
int switchState = 0;      // Variable to store switch state

void setup() {
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);    // Set LED pin as output
    pinMode(switchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Set switch pin as input with pull-up resistor

void loop() {
    switchState = digitalRead(switchPin);  // Read the state of the switch

    if (switchState == LOW) {  // If switch is pressed (LOW because of pull-up resistor)
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    } else {
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn off LED when switch is released

circuit diagram

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This week, I’m really excited but also a little nervous because I’ll be embedding electronics into my skin. It’s a new and challenging experience, but the idea of merging technology with the body is truly amazing. I can’t wait to explore how these innovations can create unique interactions and push the boundaries of wearable tech!



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