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3. Circular Open Source Fashion

Research & Ideation

I'm very excited about this week ! looking into interlocked patterns seemed very challing at first until i got into the working in process. I took this opportunity to delve into soft-technologies and geological time fields of research, looking into fossilized Paleoenvironments and the traces that symbiotic and photosynthetic create. Some of these scientific findings gave us information about diverse feeding behaviours including stem feeding, sporangial feeding, palynivory, root feeding and mycophagy, showing evidences on herbivory diet behavours by invertebrates during the Permian era. I'm interested not only into looking at these traces from an aesthetical point of view, but also as fabulative elements for symbiosic actions between living organisms in such long ago past that we can't comprehend (deep time). I'm curious for looking into impertectible relations for our anthropocentric sensorial capacities, to try bring them into our awareness in different ways.

describe what you see in this image

Stromatolites, knitting software knots, Paleoenvironment, Fósil de Sigillaria brardii,Carbonifero Estefanianse de la Gran corta de Fabero, and other fossils from Aula Paleobotanica de Fabero

Stromatolinte are layered, biochemical, accretionary structures formed in shallow water by the trapping, binding and cementation of sedimentary grains in biofilms (specifically microbial mats), through the action of mainly by photosynthetic microorganisms such as cyanobacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria, and Pseudomonadota (formerly proteobacteria). These microorganisms produce adhesive compounds that cement sand and other rocky materials to form mineral "microbial mats". In turn, these mats build up layer by layer, growing gradually over time. (source: wikipedia)

Paleoenvironment, (images)happened during the Middle Permian. Permian is a geologic period and stratigraphic system which spans 47 million years from the end of the Carboniferous Period 298.9 million years ago (Mya), to the beginning of the Triassic Period 251.902 Mya. It is the last period of the Paleozoic Era; the following Triassic Period belongs to the Mesozoic Era. (source: wikipedia)

Aula Paleobotanica de Fabero

References & Inspiration

Pinaki Studios

Del Amor y la Belleza

Ross Belton & Guardian Angel School-At Gern En Regalia, New York 2021

Tools ⚙️

Process and workflow

I started by hand drawing on my notebook and then into some paper so i could start cutting to understand the interlocking assamblages.


For this assigment zero-waste it's an important requirement for myself, so I've been working on modules that are zero-waste. Resulting in that each sheet of material you cut you get 2 modules, the stripes and the background, both interlocked with the modules of the same category, resulting on two different outcomes. I'm calling my interlocked pattern and module for this assigment PALEOENVIRONMENT_interlocked module as this was the inspiration for it.

Step 1_module drawing and laser cut nesting (Illustrator + Rhinoceros)

After being happy with my hand drawn module I drawed it in Adove Illustrator as I'm very familiarized with this software, to then copy it into Rhinoceros to prepare it for the laser cut. Copying the module into a rectangle shape as big as my cardbord tryout sheet.


drawing module in Illustrator

For this pattern next time: DON'T INSERT the module into it, cause the laser cut will go TWICE, per each line , as there are 2 lines, and mistakes can happened in the laser cut, as it happened later. Just mirrow the module and add lines in the inbetweens.


preparing module in Rhino


patterns into rectangles of the cardboard sheet size_EXPORT SELECTION

Step 2_laser cutting


Material: Paper
Thickness: 0,2 mm

Speed: 400
Min. power: 50
Max. power: 50


laser cut parameters for cardboard 2mm


mistakes because the machine is running twice on some lines


second pattern into laser cut program: CYAN is undetectablefor the laser cut machine, so changed it to red


second pattern tryout, works better, i'm gonna keep working on this one ! ༅。.。༅


assemblying first cardboard tryouts


very important my first paper guidance i kept using until the end


final adjustment for chosen pattern


First time laser cuting biopmaterial, so exciting ! ༅。.。༅

** this bioplastic is made of gelatine and organe peel lumps. In my practice I want to be vegan, but this bioplastic was made previously at the lab for us to learn and practice how to do this.

Material: Bioplastic_gelatine + organe
Thickness: 0,3 mm

Speed: 70
Min. power: 30
Max. power: 33

Laser cutting in biomaterials produces a lot of residue that we need to clean off the laser quite often. This is how to clean the laser head of the machine:

Step 3_assamblying instructions

STRIPES 1 every other stripe, needs to be turned 180º to match the pattern


instructions stripes



instructions background

Assembly videos

Splitting the modules

Assamblying the modules, STRIPES and BACKGROUND separately



final result in bioplastic

Fabrication files

Very interesting week , I'm very happy with my result and I'm very excited to use it in combination with other techniques and for further purposes !