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6. Computational Couture

Research & Ideation


This week we start with 3D modelling using Grasshopper, a tool inside Rhinoceros. I've continued my research around Altamira cave and it's bacteria, by printing both its silhouette to firsly get acquainted with the 3D printing machine, -we are using PRUSA i3 MK3 and DELTA WASP for Clay; and later some 3D vonoroi pipelines that resemble micrographies made with electronic microscope of the bacteria cultures. I've enjoyed very much learning GrassHopper and findeing my own style on its exersice, looking for nature patters, would like to learn more !


References & Inspiration

Jet Clay and Lola Zoido


Production of 4 sculptures for the artist Lola Zoido, conceived as a new Iberian flowering plant that can help as a firebreak, installed in Villores as part of #ConfluènciesIVAM in the region of Els Ports.

Process around organic decay by dearest Delphine Lejeune and Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė for Apiece Gallery (Vilnius, Lithuania ) reff02

Tools ⚙️

Learning GrassHopper

First I followed a Grasshopper class by Controlmad facilitated by the Basque BioDesign Center, as well as a few tutorials from Parametric House to get in depth on the Voronoi pattern.

Process and workflow

My goal was to make a 3D model of the cave's silhouette but with different heights. I'm still trying to made that effect, but have tried and learnt many processes along the way. Model 1 was obtained by..

Filament: WINKLE PLA-HD diameter 1,75mm SILVER

printing temperature 200-220ºC
build plate temperature 60-90ºC

CURA settings for the printing:


3D printing settings for Altamira cave

3D printing:

I also tryed to put some eucalyptus leaves in between the printing but it didn't worked, as they are too thick and the 3D printer head would crush with them, burn them and not continue. I want to see how this could happen differently, with maybe working on my eucalyptus ot plant based biomaterials in between the 3D printing :)


3D printing with eucalyptus

We printed our Vase from the learning GrassHopper exercise !

CURA settings for voronoi 3D_2

CURA settings for vase

Voronoi 3D

Made by previous "Learning GrassHopper" video: WIP_04c_learningGH_vonoroi to surface pipelines !!! To print these patterns the previous settings for temperature and speed were not working due to the detailed of the design, so we changed to a HIGHER temperature and SLOWER printing speed !!!

CURA settings for voronoi 3D

3D printing settings for voronoi pattern
Filament: WINKLE PLA-HD diameter 1,75mm SILVER

printing temperature 220ºC
build plate temperature 100ºC

When the print finished i realised the PLA was very flexible due to the higher temperature of the building plaque, so I could give it shape ! :)

CURA settings for voronoi 3D

left: 1st failed tryout, right: 2nd successful tryout

I've also have experimented with giving it a bit of heigth

CURA settings for voronoi 3D_2

CURA settings for voronoi 3D_2

Fluids 3D printing / clay

We've also learnt how to use the: DELTA WASP 2040 _ Clay

10% water of the total weight of dry clay 
// if it feels to soft, might be a smaller %


DESTA WASP set up for clay


clay pieces, work in progress


PLA 3D printing

Reference: bacteria electronic microscope

bacteria electronic microscope

result_3D voronoi pattern

result_voronoi 3D pattern

voronoi 3D pipelines

voronoi 3D pipelines


vase 120mm height

Clay 3D printing

result_clay 3D printing

clay 3D printing


You can view your GCodes on


Gcode for Vonoroi pipelines pattern

3D Models

  1. File: Altamira silhouette 

  2. File: 3D voronoi pipelines 


  4. File: VASE