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Welcome to my Fabricademy quest 😊

Look as you please, and if something attracts you, enjoy it, share it, tell me.


About me

Hi! I am Luis Mayorga. I work as educational designer in Fab Lab Yucatán, based in Mérida, México. My main Research and development is about education with tinkering and invention techniques, computing and coding for joy and beauty, and public understanding of Science and Technology.

My background

I was born in Guadalajara, a region with a lovely wheater (not very hot, not very cold). I grow with my mom and two brothers, from who I learned to be resilient, shared, and a peacefull attitude.

I studied bachelor and master degree on chemical engineering, Computing and coding diploma, Science communication diploma, and drums, percussion and music by my own. I've worked as teacher/mentor in formal and not-formal education with people from 7 years to adults.

Also as drummer, I've been in music projects since I was in the high school. Now my musical projects were organized under the Dr. Mayorga artist label.

Remarcable projects

Fábrica de inventores

Fab Lab Focused on R&D in Education and after school courser for youth



Yucatan-Cuba Network development of MA program in Contemporary Art and Cultural Management


Crea Cuxtal

Cuxtal Community Project for collaborative prdouct design and fabrication from residual plastic and his reciclyng process


Dr. Mayorga (Music lab)

Research and development in the boundaries of Music, Design and Education.


Camino de Jade

Digital Motor


Visit my website for more details of my remarcable projects:
