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7. BioFabricating Materials


Biofabrication is the process of using biological systems—such as bacteria, fungi, and algae—to create sustainable materials. It replaces synthetic plastics with biodegradable biomaterials like bacterial cellulose, mycelium, and algae-based polymers.

Key Points:

  • Uses living organisms to grow materials.
  • Focuses on sustainability and biodegradability.
  • Applied in fashion, medicine, and product design.
  • Examples include: bacterial cellulose leather, mycelium-based textiles, and algae bioplastics.

Biofabrication merges biology and design, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional materials. 🌱🚀

Artists, Projects, and Platforms

I explored the works of Suzanne Lee and Aniela Hoitink, both pioneers in biomaterials, and signed up for the Materiom platform, which provides open-source biomaterial recipes. Additionally, I researched various sources related to compostable bioplastics, bio-yarns, and innovative biomaterial applications:

get inspired!

References & Inspiration

Tools & Materials

  • Knife
  • Cutting Board
  • Blender
  • Jar
  • Spatula
  • Basin
  • Strainer
  • Coffe filters
  • Stove
  • Cooking pot
  • Mesuring cups

Process and workflow Crafted material

describe what you see in this image

For this experiment, I focused on creating biodegradable materials using natural ingredients and fabrication techniques. I explored how different ingredient ratios and processing methods affect texture, flexibility, and durability. The crafted materials I developed include gelatin-based bioplastic, cornstarch bioplastic, banana peel leather (which was unsuccessful), and algae string.

Banana peel leather (failed)

* 3–4 banana peels (thoroughly cleaned)
* 1 cup water
* 1–2 tbsp cornstarch (for thickness)
* 1 tbsp glycerin
* Food coloring
* measure - measure - measure
* add, combine, mix..
* simmer, cook, boil, freeze, burn, crush...
* mix, smash, stack, overlay..
* cast, pour, press..
* dry, aereate, dehydrate..
* remove, peel, unmold..
* finishing touches

Gelatine based bioplastic

* 20g gelatin (2 tbsp)
* 60ml water (1/4 cup)
* 500ml water (2 cups)
* 5g pectin (1 tsp)
* 5ml glycerin (1 tsp)
* Food coloring
* Hydrated gelatin in 60ml water for 10 min.
* Boiled 500ml water, turned off the heat, and slowly mixed in pectin.
* Added glycerin and mixed thoroughly.
* Added hydrated gelatin and simmered while stirring.
* oured 160ml of the mixture onto a textured tray (30x20cm).
* Dried at room temperature for 3–4 days before demolding.

Results: A smooth, flexible, and plastic-like material with an unexpected texture.

Cornstarch Bioplastic

* 100ml water (7 tbsp)
* 15ml cornstarch (1 tbsp)
* 10ml vinegar (2 tsp)
* 10ml glycerin (2 tsp)
* Mixed all ingredients in a bowl.
* Heated mixture using a double boiler until thickened
* Poured into petri dishes and left to dry for 3–4 days.

Algae string

Prepare this recipe by collecting the ingredients necessary, to be found in the list below:

Gel mixture * 1 tbsp sodium alginate * 1/2 cup water * 1 tbsp glycerin * 1 tsp food color

Calcium Bath * 2 cups water * 2 tsp calcium chloride

* Blended sodium alginate, water, glycerin, and color into a smooth gel and let rest for a bit
* Prepared calcium bath by dissolving calcium chloride in water.
* Transferred gel into a syringe and dispensed into the calcium bath.
* Let sit for a few minutes before removing the strings.

Process and workflow Grown material

describe what you see in this image

In this section, I explored biomaterial growth using living organisms. I experimented with soya waste microbial cellulose, observing how fermentation conditions, nutrient sources, and growth time influenced the final material. This approach demonstrates how biofabrication can create sustainable, naturally grown alternatives to conventional textiles and polymers

Soya Microbial cellulose

I attempted to grow soya microbial cellulose using tofu waste and Acetobacter xylinum.

* Pineapple
* Water
* Sugar
* Peel a ripe and fresh pineapple 
* Wash the pineapple with clean water, and slice it into small cubes
* Put the pineapple chunks into a blender, and mash it until it smooth 
* Strain the pureed pineapple, until the water all comes out
* Clean a jar with rubbing alcohol 70%
* Mix the pineapple pulp with water and sugar in a sterile jar, with comparison: 
       Pineapple pulp: 6 spoon 
       Water : 3 spoon 
       Sugar: 1 spoon

* Cover the jar lid with clean fabric or paper 
* Incubated for 3-4 days in 30°C controled invironment
* You will see a white sheet on top of the mixture. Et voila! you have acetobacter xylinum colony

* Tofu production liquid waste
* Acetobacter Xylinum starter
* Water from Boiled green peas as fertilizer
* Vinegar
* Sugar
* Heated tofu waste water to 30-40°C and removed impurities
* Added fertilizer (or bean sprout water) and sugar.
* Boiled with vinegar, then poured into trays.
* Added Acetobacter Xylinum culture and covered.
* Incubated for 6-7 days until a cellulose sheet formed
* Dried into a leather-like material.

Current Status: Still growing, final results pending.

Documenting and comparing experiments

Material Pic Material Name Type Texture & Properties Polymer Plastifier Filler Emulsifier Status
Banana Peel Leather Crafted Brittle, uneven drying Banana Peel Glycerin Cornstarch Water Failed
Gelatin Bioplastic Sheet Crafted Flexible, translucent, smooth Gelatin Glycerin Pectin Water Success
Cornstarch-Based Bioplastic Crafted Stretchy, jelly-like Cornstarch Glycerin Vinegar Water Success
Algae Bio-Strings Crafted Soft when wet, stiff when dry Sodium Alginate Glycerin None Water Success
Soya Waste Microbial Cellulose Grown Leathery, strong, still growing Microbial Cellulose None None None Pending


Final Thoughts & Next Steps

  • The banana peel leather failed due to inconsistent drying.

  • Gelatin bioplastic was a success and unexpectedly durable.

  • Cornstarch bioplastic created a soft, flexible material.

  • Algae strings behaved as expected, drying into stiff fibers.

  • Microbial cellulose sheet is still incubating, results TBD.