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Concept | Human: what are we made of?

5 Ws who, what, when, where, why

Being human is a fascinating mix of vulnerability, creativity and connection. It is the ability to feel deeply, to dream of the impossible and to seek meaning in the everyday. It is being aware of our imperfections and, still, having the impulse to grow, to learn and to transform the world around us.

Being human also means belonging to something bigger: a network of relationships, cultures, stories and emotions that define and challenge us. It is caring for others, finding beauty in nature, in art or in love, and facing our shadows to embrace who we are in all our complexity.

And, above all, being human is having passion. That spark that drives us to create, explore, make mistakes and try again, while we seek to leave a unique mark on this world.

Culture of Microorganisms Collection and cultivation of microorganisms on agar plates from places that are significant to me.

Observe patterns, colors and textures that emerge from each sample.

Design with Biomaterials
1. To integrate reactive biomaterials that change color with heat or humidity. These materials can represent emotional or seasonal changes.
2. Decellularization of Chicken Hearts as a base for your biomaterials, symbolizing the fragility and strength of the human heart.
3. To design pieces with contrasting textures to simulate the diverse and changing nature of human experiences.
4. To Incorporate natural pigments that reflect emotions or seasons of the year (e.g., warm tones for passion, cold tones for introspection).
4. To design a collection of Petri dishes that show the "footprint of my life," highlighting unique colors and patterns.


I will develop biomaterials using waste from my "everyday life" to obtain colors, patterns or textures that help me form a map of my footprint through life


Represent what it means to be human through living and reactive biomaterials, exploring how passions and personal experiences can be visualized through microorganisms and materials that interact with the environment.


During the months of January to March 2025.


In the tissue culture laboratories and the microbiology laboratory of the IDIT of the Universidad Ibero Puebla.


This work carries profound significance, as it delves into the essence of what it means to be human—a question that intertwines our physical, emotional, and intellectual dimensions. It provides a tangible exploration of humanity's complexity through biomaterials, echoing our connections to creativity, passion, and the environments we inhabit.

By presenting this project at the Fabricademy, I aim to contribute to a broader dialogue about the role of innovation in fostering a more mindful and sustainable world. Biomaterials represent a pivotal step in reducing our environmental impact, offering alternatives that align with principles of care and respect for our surroundings.

For someone reviewing this work, the benefit lies in the invitation to reflect on their own identity and connection to the planet. It is a reminder that we leave traces—visible and invisible—through our lives. This project is both a celebration of human ingenuity and a call to action: to innovate responsibly and to be stewards of the ecosystems that sustain us. Through this, I hope to inspire others to rethink their choices, embrace sustainability, and find beauty in both the science and art of living consciously.

Photo by Bela Rofe on Fabricademy 2019-20

References projects, research papers, expos, performances etc


Collect images to give insight in your vision: colors, shapes, sounds, images, words..

Inspiration images, fisrt exploration

Photo by MJ Rivas-Arreola (Microbiology lab IDIT Ibero Puebla)