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4. BioChromes


I was looking at old works from the mushroom cat logo work. They were influenced by Dorothy Beebee's work, which paved the way for the catalog of mushroom dyes.Here is some of her along with modern companies like Baux working with wood wool left from leftover furniture production. link

The Mushroom Color Atlas is a comprehensive primer on the universe of colors lurking inside fungi. Yuli Gates illustrates them. link

The assignment this week was to collect and play with natural dyes and see how the chemical reaction when adding different ingredients such as

Iron Alum Vinegar Lemon

It can also combine natural colors and other elements to create richer colors. Experiment and see what you can extract.


There is this tride from San Juan lake in guatemal the use all natural dyes and have been doing so for centiers and is a way to perserve the culture and tradition with wolven clothing and other iteams.

There is a specific plant called Justicia spicigera Schltdl or Sacatinta when harvested on a full moon the color will come out as blue but if picked in any other time the usal color it gives is a grey.

for more information click here


Tools for this project will requitre a varitey of things.

Plants and vegitbles that you are brining in. From there will need pots and pans and glass continers to be able to see the changes made to the pigments.

Pots, Spoon, Heat safe glass, Gloves would recomend not to get hands stained. Mesurring cups, striner,

Main Key ingedietns to alternate the colors Lemon, Bakcin Soda, Iron, Alum can also soruce oak galls, tara pods, myrobalan


Are a type of mordant that naturally occur in plants Oak Galls/Tara pods/Myrobalan


Are a dye fixative use to set the dyes on the fabric by forming a coordination complex with the dye, which then adheres to the fabric. Alum/Iron/Copper


Are a type of adhisive coating that stick to the pigment particles on the surface of the fibers. Soy is a natrual

Process and workflow

  1. Weigh the fibers before see what fabric you are using and then cut trim weigh it now you’re ready to get started.
  2. Then add sodio um carbonate (aka baking soda) Scouring: Rinse them gently under warm water with a bit of soap ## Silk- just rinse with a bit of warm water ## Cotton, Viscos and Linen scouring 1 hour with the sodium carbonate
  3. Calculate the tannins, mordant & dye/ measure out the weight
  4. Combine the pigment water and the tannin seamer the fibers in the solution
  5. Remove, Strain and rinse and hang up to dry

Ingredients & Recipes

Alum + Vinegar

* 2 gr alum
* Cotton,Viscos,Silk,Linen, 10gr fabric
* 200 ml 
* 4 table spoon vinigar

Cabage+ Iron

* Cotton,Viscos,Silk,Linen, 10gr fabric
* 200 ml 
* 0.75g iron

Cabage+Lemon+Baking Soda

* 2 gr Baking soda
* Cotton,Viscos,Silk,Linen, 10gr fabric
* 200 ml 
* 4 mieum slices of lemon


* 2 gr alum
* Cotton,Viscos,Silk,Linen, 10gr fabric
* 200 ml

Beans + Iron

* 1 gr alum
* Cotton,Viscos,Silk,Linen, 10gr fabric
* 200 ml xxx
* 1 gr iron

Pomafranate+ Alum

* 1 gr alum
* Cotton,Viscos,Silk,Linen, 10gr fabric
* 200 ml 
* 1 gr iron


* Cotton,Viscos,Silk,Linen, 10gr fabric
* 200 ml 
* 0.15 gr iron


* Cotton,Viscos,Silk,Linen, 10gr fabric
* 200 ml 
* 0.15 gr iron

Cabbage+ Alum
* 5.6 gr alum * Cotton,Viscos,Silk,Linen, 10gr fabric * 200 ml

* 5.6 gr alum * Cotton,Viscos,Silk,Linen, 10gr fabric * 200 ml * 1.5g iron

Documenting experiments

Recycling the dye into pigments

Purple Cabbage Pigment

Pigment from left over dye bath

* 600milleter of dye
* 20g of Alum
* simmer in heat ans stir so it doesnt cristilise
* 10g of backing soda with -2 table sppons of hot watter
* Slowly add in backing soda while pushingtthe foam down 
* strain 
* Leave it into the dehidrato for at least 24 hours