6. Computational Couture¶
Research & Ideation¶
This week we dove into 3D printing and into parametric design: which is a file that can be adjusted and modified at a scale and applies to one area or line / point of a design. working with rhino and with grasshopper plugin in order to create a pedantic pattern. As well as understanding the difference with different 3D printers and their history.
References & Inspiration¶
There is a girl that I been follwing for a while her name is KRIZIA and she is an architedt and moved into working with 3D printed fashion and patterns as well as full prodcuts made of 3d printed textiles. She has some good toutriolas also added below here.
There is also another talented artist that works in alot of detail and does 3D modeling. She goes by the name of createdbyeo works in a very creative way also implements and craft out of scrap material and adds in elements of 3D to the designs created.
For this project, first, define whether you will be printing on fabric or trying to create a fabric. That will help you determine the material for either TPU, which is more flexible, or PLA, which is more sturdy and solid. Below, I also linked a resource I found to be able to reference other materials and also indicate some of the steps to set up the printer.
Programs: RHINO, Grashopper(Rihno plugin) and CURA
- Rhino to ideate and model the 3D shape you want to create
- Grashopper to be able to genrate the pattern and paramatric desing
- Cura will slice and cut the 3D object into multiple layers so the 3D printer can process and print.
* Turn on machien
* Cut filament at 45 degree angle (using pliers)
Load Filament push filament as far as it will go ensure roll is placed so that it comes from above
* Select type of filament if using TPU ensure that it dosent pull back in the seting mode.
* Clean bed using alcohol to clean past resude.
filament from the print-bed.
* Insert SD card
* Selcet the file and hit print might have to adjust the hight of the nosel and axis make sure the bead is leved on all the sides as well. Can do this with a peace a paper under the nosel.
Creality Ender 3¶¶
* Turn on the machine
* Insert micro SD with your file
* Cut filament at 45 degree angle
From the menu you can change temperature, set the fan speed, load filament (extrude) and move the machine in all directions peheate the bead.
* Load filament when at correct temperature.
* Load your file and start printing.
UltiMaker 2+¶¶
* Turn on machien
* Clean the glass bed with alcohol and paper towel
* Cut filament at 45 degree angle (using pliers)
* Insert filament at back (keep spool in same direction).
* Select the type of material that you’re using by going to material > settings.
* Insert the SD card with your sliced file into the slot in front of the machine, click Print then choose the file you want to print Then click ready to start.
Process and workflow¶
# File Set Up * Process for this work: I ideated the design in Illustrator and then saved it as an SVG.
Open in rhino and extured the shape to get more of a surface area and create a 2D image into a 3D image.
Plug into the grasshopper to create a pattern and repeat the design to create a parametric design. Save the.GH file
Afterwards, you have to make sure no more changes will be made or save a copy to be able to make any changes. You have to hit bake, and once it's baked, it's ready to move over to the slicer program.
- For the slicer program, I used Cura, adjusted some settings for the thickness of the material to reduce the print time, and checked the setting for TPU.
Machine Setup¶
I decied I was gogin to make a texile like fabric from 3D print so I went with the Prusa printer along with a TPU * Important side note to ensure that the extursion setting in the machine is low beacuse TPU is more flexible and will tug at the fillmanet so turn up the heat in the nozzel. * Save the .gcode document onto a SD card * Set the SD card into the printer and ensure that the nozzle is at an appreciated height and that the TPU or whatever material you set comes out of the nozzle. * Select the file and set it to print onto the machine. Make sure the ether bead is heating up when sending the file to print, and let it run.
Final Results¶
3D Models¶
Fabrication files¶
File: 3d model