Research & Concept¶
Create a bio soundproofing material or noise reduction material made with human hair. Add in mycelium or another biomaterial or try to bind it with some other scraps to create a better alternative.
Cocept 1¶
Primarily working with local salons and barber shops to be able to collect the samples of the hair and work with the material. But it can also be on a personal level or with other organization in order to be able to create alternative products out of the same hair.
Hair has a rich history dating back to B.C Egyptian times, within African culture and in the Victoria area. With in the Victorian era it was typical for families lovers or loved ones that had passed to take there hair and have it as jewelry or as a decorative peace to remember them. It's something we all naturally grow but have used on a larger scale to create something more out of a natural resource that is often discarded and later decomposed.
The average human typically sheds from 100,000 to 150,000 hair follicles. This varies depending on hair color, genetics, and even ethnicity. Approximately 80,000 to 100,000 metric tons of hair are thrown away annually in the USA. This includes hair cut at salons, hair from individuals, and hair lost during combing or washing. This is a large scale of natural bio material that is not being considered as a resource to ideate and create something more out of it.
References & Inspiration¶
There are several projects that I came across that are using bio-dirigible material as an alternative to soundproofing. In addition to repurposing material, I think there is still a market to add to the hair element and use it in interior spaces and other sound system products.
Procuts made with Hair¶
Another really god project that has been delved by Zsofia Kollar with Human Material Loop creating texitle wolves.
Sanne Visser taking human hair and creating yarn to be be able to create other items like mirror, dog leashes ect.
Wiggy Created by Okasna chair made with hair and resine to create a chair.
Bio Based products¶
Mogu - is a mycelium-based company that has been creating and selling soundproof panels made of mycelium.
Jonas Edvard- a sound-absorbing screen developed using mushroom mycelium, hemp, and willow.
Recycled Material¶
* Sustain- Recycling medical waste like PPE equipment and curtains and using it as an insulation material, as well as some soundproofing qualities have been found in the material.
* Eco Panels- recycling plastic bottles and other plastics to create pannels
Cocepting diffrent ideation of sound proofing and the shape dose affect the way that its proupose for either keeping sound with in the space or to muffle the sound.
Process/ Rearch¶
Bigest part of these process and achiving this project will be exprimaenting with the recipes in order to find what yould work best as a binder and if combining it with other bio metrials will be befecial.
I am looking to make two molds one thats is moe for Anechoic and one theas Vertical for perserving sound quilty.
Mold Ideation¶
Cocept 2¶
Creating Bio based Matrial that can be used to sound proof and replace the other non bio material or have it as a better alternative in the market.
As well as potentially creating more products out of hair and binding it with bio material to be able to repuse the hair in some form even be able to use pet hair potentially to also create products out of them and reduce the use of raw materials that need to be extracted.
How can we take this natrual fibre and reource and be able to repoupose it into something more?
Acoustic Panels: Often combine foam, fabric, and other sound-absorbing materials.
The most popular or cruel products on the market are made of polyurethane, melamine, and fiberglass. Polyurethane can take up to 50 to 1,000 years to break down in the environment. It is made of melamine, which their studies haven't found in the exact number of years, but it can last hundreds in landfills due to its durability and materials like fiberglass.
There are other eco-friendly cutlery alternatives like: Cork, Mineral Wool, Cotton/ cellulose and Mycelium. But none that are looking into natural fibre like hair that is also a material that is often discarded and have an excess of and can repurpose to give it a second life.
First experimantatio with the material and lef them for 5 days to dry out.
Mushroom is still growing and in devlopment