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1. State of the art, project management and documentation

Research & Ideation

During the first week of classes, we toured the workspaces, Fab Lab, and equipment while reviewing safety guidelines. The variety of ongoing projects highlighted the impressive capabilities of the machines.

We explored available materials and learned how to schedule time for using tools like laser cutters, CNC machines, 3D printers, vacuum formers, and the Bio Lab. A standout moment was watching students prepare concrete for 3D printing, which sparked my interest in learning that technique.

Additionally, we created a basic webpage, refreshed vector design skills, and were introduced to GitLab. Although I initially struggled with spacing and customization on the platform, tutorials and guidance from my instructor helped me integrate previous work, sync external links, and update the logo.

References & Inspiration

describe what you see in this image

"A cyborg is defined as a hybrid between machine and organism. It is built through assemblages that expand human experiences and capabilities, with the body as the main object of this practice or new perception of being human. In the coming months, I would like to develop accessories or pieces that can be worn on the body, and that, besides their aesthetic function, can add some extra capability or provide a different experience"

The Cyborg as New Opportunities for Creation

For my references, I looked up some images on Pinterest, but I also researched several books, such as "Cyborgs, Zombies, and Chimeras", "Technopoetics", and "The Cyborg Manifesto", among others.

I also draw heavily on my older works and even daily sketches that I create as part of my process.

describe what you see in this image describe what you see in this image


For the documentation we are using GitLab

describe what you see in this image

qiuick HTML guide

  1. < a > hyperlink
  2. < br > breakline
  3. < em > emphesize
  4. < img > image
  5. < font > font of text
  6. < li > list item
  7. < div > make section
  8. < i > italic text
  9. < b > bold text
  10. < ul > unordered list
  11. < ol > ordered list
  12. < form > basic form
  13. < a href="url" > basic link
  14. < img src="url" > image from website
  15. < blockquote > to add quote
  16. < h1 > - < h6 > headings

How to add a Youtube Video?

  1. Go on YT and find a video
  2. Click share button
  3. Click 'Embed'
  4. Copy and paste here


- [Jekyll](
- [TinyPNG](
- [Markdown](
- [Markdown](
- [MkDocs](https://xxx)

From Vimeo

Sound Waves from George Gally (Radarboy) on Vimeo.

From Youtube