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4. BioChromes

assignment checklist
  1. write in short about what I learnt in the last lecture
  2. Do my own research to find the best inspiration to have an idea about what I am going to do this weel
  3. Develop the idea so I can get as much as I want of pictures and consepts
  4. Take pictures/ screenshots during this journey 5.Master techniques mordanting, dyeing, pigments
  5. Produce at least 1 natural dye with modifiers on fabric + 1 Ink and 1 pigment
  6. Write clear and understandable workflow
  7. Final outcome: understands various stages of color as: dye, inks and pigment

Remember to get advanatege as much as you can from this week, there is no limit of the colour/Inks/Pigments you can produce

Enjoy it and take picture !!



After doing my research I was surprised be the numbers of shades we can get from only green plants !! * Two images side-by-side

describe what you see in this image describe what you see in this image

Pictures Credits

1+2 > MELISSA MARRY JENKINS ART 3 > Pinterest refernece 4 > Pinterest refernece 5 > Myra Made Clor
6 > Fran Rushworth

So I decided that my assignment for this week will go around green Plants parsley - mint - olive leaves


Here,s the codes I used to create the colors of the word Parsley - Mint - Olive Leaves parsley - mint - olive leaves

Of course you can ask Chat-GPT for any shade number you want

Process and workflow

All you need for this assignment is:

  1. Gloves + Aipron because you will get messy and you will like it!!
  2. pots & Jars depending on how much you want to make Dyes/Inks/Pigments
  3. Natural Plants to use their colors
  4. Plant OR Animal Fabrics - You can experiment both -

Lab Team Work

We started this week by group work in our lab with our instructor Claudia we learnt more about the kind of fabrics that can dyes, Natural dyes and modifiers. describe what you see in this image

Then we Prepared our fabrics to be DYED !!

1.Sourting the fabrics to Plant & Animal fabrics

2.Scale the fabrics (W.O.F) when still dry, this will be important to determine the amount of mordant will be needed

3.Scouring is the process to remove the oil and waxes that are naturally present in the fibers.

A. Plant Fibers : Boil the fibers for 30min adding sodium carbonate at 90C -2 Spoons every 4 liter water-

B. Animal Fibers : no scouring is needed. Warm water and soap is good enough to clean the fibers to receive mordants.

4.Mordanting : transform dyes from soluble to insoluble we add the ALUM and let it boil for 30-60 minutes

5.Extracting the Dye

A. Chop the raw materials into little parts

B. Heat until they boil and let it simmer for 1h

C. Soak overnight / add a pinch of salt to achieve a brighter color


I tried to dye using both onion skin + red cabbage

7.Modifying !()[../]

8.Final First Piece

it seems that the red cabbage went awaay without any modifyer

My own experience

I liked to experiement with parsley - mint - olive leaves

1. first we start of cours by Sourting the fabrics and boil them for 30 - 60 minutes using washing soda

Ingredients & Recipes

Prepare this recipe 1 by collecting the ingredients necessary, to be found in the list below:

  • xxx gr madder root
  • xxx gr alum
  • xxx gr fabric
  • xxx ml xxx
  • xxx gr xxx

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

Blue sky

recipe mallow dye on protein and cellulose fibers
  • measure
  • add
  • simmer
  • mix
  • remove
  • strain
  • repeat

Documenting experiments

example from the documentation of Petra Garaiová FabTextiles Barcelona 2021-22

Material name Fabric composition Breathability Moisture-wicking abilities Heat retention abilities Stretchability Washing temperatures
Silk Animal fibers - silkworm insect Highly breathable High Low Low Cool or warm

Two ways of showcasing and comparing results with images below

On the left an image of a sample made by xxx with xxx. The dye is more xxx. On the right, an image of a sample made by xxx with xxx and xxx. Here the dye is more xxx.


Recycling the dye into pigments

Ingredients & Recipes

Prepare this recipe 1 by collecting the ingredients necessary, to be found in the list below:

  • xxx gr madder root
  • xxx gr alum
  • xxx gr fabric
  • xxx ml xxx
  • xxx gr xxx

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

pink pigment

pigment from left-over dye bath
  • measure
  • add
  • simmer
  • mix
  • remove
  • strain
  • repeat




  1. recipe: banana indigo