13. Skin Electronics

For this assigment I worked with Maria Antonieta because we have the same inspiration: "ancestral cultures of the peruvian jungle". Their art, patterns, work and cosmovition show us our ancestral roots and remind us that sometime we don't need words to express what we think or feel. This is the first step, now let's see how we do the connection with skin electronic.

"First the education of the senses, then the education of the intellect." - Maria Montessori.

Drafts of our ideas

Ancestral Senses Skin Electronic

The instinct of protection towards others or ourselves is innate. Sometimes we surprise ourselves when we are in a situation of alertness or danger. Why not use an electronic skin that helps us sharpen that sense. Receive a bright alert when something approaches a certain distance from us and thus be aware of this new presence in our environment.

Our "Ancestral Senses Skin Electronic" tells the story of Siná (Brave), a young shipibo-konibo that lies between her ancestral roots and the modern life she has had to live. Siná does not forget where he comes from and does not want to ignore what his ancestors taught him, his connection to the earth, his surroundings and his inner and outer senses.

  • Sensory capacity.
  • Connection with its surroundings, nature.
  • Senses developed.
  • Intuition

What do we want to achieve with our project?

  • Represent the ancestral connection with our sensory senses.


Our idea is to re-live, through our skin electronic project, the idea of our human being internal danger or alert sensor.

To do

Necklace with proximity sensor and Shipibo tattoo with adhesive LEDs.

What we need? Materials and tools

  • 1 x Adafruit GEMMA board/ Lily Pad Board
  • 1 x Coincell battery holder
  • 0603 LED's
  • Distance Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
  • DTP 603443 Batteries
  • Thin Wires (insulated copper thin wire or silicone)
  • MCN UV80 Solder Paste Flux
  • Tweezers
  • Wire strippers, flush snips, and tweezers
  • Gold Leaf Conductive Material
  • Forearm's Shipibo Tattoo or Bracelet (made with mold prepared in Soft Robotics Class)
  • Natural dye Henna (which will replace Shipibo Natuiral Dye made with a local fruit called Huito)
  • Sponge applicators
  • Multimeter


Skin Electronic Tattoo

Skintillates: Designing and Creating Epidermal Interactions from Eric Paulos on Vimeo.

Accesory as a sensor

Ultrasonic Sensor

Our circuit

More information Ultrasonic Sensor Circuit

Flora and Neopixels

How to work with Flora

Code for a Ultrasonic Sensor Circuit with Leds

  • Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 and 3 Dev- 13902 Lilypad LEDs White

// #define trigPin 10 #define echoPin 9 #define led 6

 void setup()
    {   Serial.begin (9600);
        pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
        pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); 
        pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

 void loop()
    {   long duracion, distancia ;
        digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);        // Nos aseguramos de que el trigger está desactivado
        delayMicroseconds(2);              // Para asegurarnos de que el trigger esta LOW
        digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);       // Activamos el pulso de salida
        delayMicroseconds(10);             // Esperamos 10µs. El pulso sigue active este tiempo
        digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);        // Cortamos el pulso y a esperar el echo
        duracion = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH) ;
        Serial.println(String(duracion) + "dura");
        distancia = duracion / 2 / 29.1  ;
        Serial.println(String(distancia) + " cm.") ;
        int Limite = 20 ;                  // Medida en vacío del sensor
        if ( distancia < Limite)
             digitalWrite ( led , HIGH) ;
             digitalWrite( led , LOW) ;
        delay (500) ;                  // Para limitar el número de mediciones
    }                      // wait for a second


Our Circuit - Ancestral Senses

Skin Electronic - Ancestral Senses from Estefania Cavalie on Vimeo.

Next steps

We want to make reusable tattoos so we found some projects, ideas and material to work with.