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Final Project Proposal

Initial Wheelchairacter Prototype

Video of Initial Prototype

Wheel Covers

Ideas and Inspiration

I've always had more ideas than time in the day... here are a few...

  1. Create comfortable and beautiful lingerie
  2. Create resusable beautiful adult diapers
  3. Create fashionable and stylish wheelchairs
  4. Create fashionable walkers, canes, and other durable medical equipment
  5. Create stylish prosthetics
  6. Create interactive clothing and costumes: fingernail dress
  7. Create a stylish inflatable personal air bag for fall prevention
  8. Create on demand 3d printed or easy to assemble 2D cut lingerie
  9. Create interactive food packaging for kids (e.g., silly lunchbox, funny mustard bottle that tells jokes., smackers jelly jar that smacks you when you open it
  10. Create interactive children's books
  11. Create interactive toys and forts for children
  12. Create beautiful interactive lighting and home furnishings
  13. Create stylish casts, orthotics and braces



Qty Description Price Link Notes
1 Material one 22.00 $ Order many
1 Material two 22.00 $
1 Material three 22.00 $
1 Material five 22.00 $
1 Material eight 22.00 $
1 Material twelve 22.00 $
1 Material eleven 22.00 $


Week 1: Jan 4

Week 2: Jan 11

Week 3: Jan 18

Week 4: Jan 25

Week 5: Feb 1

Week 6: Feb 8

Week 7: Feb 15

Week 8: Feb 22

Week 9: Mar 1

Week 10: Mar 8

Week 11: Mar 15

Week 12: Mar 22

Week 13: Mar 29

Gantt Chart

Last update: February 2, 2021