1. State of the art, project management and documentation¶
First week was mainly an introduction to the course, the professors, students, and Nodes participating. We attended the first Global Lecture and had a tutorial on GitLab, Open Source tools -such as Inkscape and Gimp- as well as a very interesting insight into works and projects of designers, artists and professionals around the globe related with Digital Fabrication and Textile Technology which were trully inspiring.
- Imme van der Haak dutch designer from Arnhem.
- Lucy McRae science fiction artist, filmmaker, inventor and body architect.
- Iris Van Herpen fashion designer.
- Neri Oxman architect, scientist, engineer and inventor.
- Klaudia Kemper visual artist.
- Raquel Paiewonsky visual artist.
- Jenny Saville visual artist.
- Ying Gao Montreal based fashion designer.
Beyond the Body from Imme van der Haak on Vimeo.
My website¶
Even though I do not have a deep understanding of programming and code, getting to know and work in Gitlab hasn’t been as hard as I thought it might be, but it requires patience
The hardest part of preparing my site was, for me, having to choose which projects to show, as I have always found quite hard to select only a few projects.
I followed this steps:
- Preparation and selection of the material.
- Edition of the content as explained in tutorials (mostly resizing and editing Images in 72dpi and in a standard size of 800*600px, to maker sure none were bigger than 10MB).
- Customization of my website.
As I am getting familiar with Gitlab, I started customizing my website with patience, little by little. I choose to stay with a simple design, so the changes I made were minor: changing the upper block to black, the default icon for a fingerprint icon, my name in the website and the font.
To change the icon I used this page. And to change the font I used Google Fonts page
Code Example¶
This is how my mkdocs code looks now:
site_name: Maite Sosa Methol
site_description: Maite Sosa Methol Fabricademy site
site_author: Maite Sosa Methol
copyright: Copyright 2021 Maite Sosa Methol - Creactive Commons Attribution Non-commercial
site_url: https://class.textile-academy.org/2021/maite.sosa/
repo_url: https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/academany/fabricademy/2021/students/maite.sosa
repo_name: Edit on Fabcloud
# For other social icons at https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/setup/adding-social-links/
- icon: fontawesome/brands/instagram
link: https://instagram.com/fabricademy
- icon: fontawesome/brands/facebook
link: https://facebook.com/fabricademy
- icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter
link: https://twitter.com/fabricademy
name: material
primary: black
accent: pink
text: Lora
code: Lora Regular 400
logo: material/fingerprint
repo: material/gitlab
- tabs
- search
- git-revision-date-localized
- admonition
- codehilite:
guess_lang: false
- toc:
permalink: true
Motivation to join Fabricademy¶
I have the opportunity to be part of Fabricademy thanks to a scholarship won by FabLab MVD as a result of winning the Covid-19 Innovation Award. We decided to apply to become a Fabricademy node, motivated by the interest to dive into the universe of textile design, expanding our field of study and research; to experiment with new disciplines, to join FabLab international network,sand to have the opportunity to exchange and learn from professionalS from all over the world.
For me, this presents as an amazing opportunity to merge my experience and knowledge in different fields such as industrial design, textile design, scenic design and visual arts. I am very thrilled about taking Fabricademy as I believe that technology provides new horizons, and that it is at the intersection of different disciplines when all creativity can be unleashed. Additionally, the encounter with people from other fields and from other countries is extremely challenging and enriching for me.
Final Project¶
Although I feel it is still too soon to decide which path to follow for the final project, and that I would really like to go through all the course topics and see a bit of each theme before making a final decision, I consider that I have some particular interests that I would like to work with.
I am interested in shaping my work towards the notion of the body, in particular its link to clothing and costume. To think of the body as the material base of that which we design. And to think of that which we design as a space that we inhabit, which enables or disables us to move. Reflections and research on the power of transformation of the body as a tool of resistance.
I think about the possibility of working with pieces of interactive costumes, with sensors that may be able to perceive certain information from the environment (such as sounds, lights, speed of movement) and generate a reaction to those stimulations.