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Conductive agar agar

Materials Details
Ingredients Agar Agar, water, glycerol, salt
Tools Heat plate, pot, spoon, balance

After the previous week we were super excited to continue on the connectivity of materials. We follow the recipe of Conductive agar here

🥽 We observe to heat the water and salt for it to dissolve.

Was not really succesful.


Materials Details
Ingredients Water, alginate, graphite, oil, glycerine, calcium chlorure solution(10%)
Tools Hand mixer, pot, spoon, balance, bottle spray, serynge

Diane show us how to work and extrude alginate. For Alginate we need to spray a solution of calcium chloride for working and fixing the matterials after.

More info about calcium alginate

* 12g Alginate
* 20ml Glycerol
* 400ml Water
* 10g Oil
* Mix Alginate + water + glycerol + oil with the hand mixer
* Mix till the paste will be white and homogenous.
* The past is ready for use it.
* 1000ml water
* 100g calcium chlorure
* Mix together

Conductive Alginate

Following our conductive interest we try with graphite.

  • Base of the recipe alginate (60g)
  • 3g graphite

Problem: the texture is very lumpy and not easy to work with a fine syringe.

Test with a large syringe to see how conductive the material is.

The black one are the test with graphite inside.

Was not succesful. When is dry is to fine and break easily aswell it's not conductive.

Was fun to explore new alternatives but I didn't arrive to see the all process of what we using of the components. How work calcium chlorure, we need specific ressources.

Last update: 2023-10-21