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Recuperation, collect

Straw bloqued in the hand mixer.

Substrate is the binder, the food, which will allow the mycelium or microorganism use to grow. Depending on the substrate used, the final material can change.

The recuperation and collect is the sourcing of the feedstock. For my work of research I was looking of the local, "waste" aspect of them as much is possible.

Process and remarks

Preparation start to collecting trash, residue, discover a new ressources will be possible to add it in another life.

Using substrate, start through a collection phase and find its raw material which will allow the mushrooms to develop.

Many residues, waste are found closest to us.

Lignocellulosic fiber are exemple: hemp, wood, linnen, straw, hay...

Others informations possible to be useful: Sorting, cleaning, weighing by volume or by weight (storage in bags or buckets), storage place (temperature, hygrometry, luminosity, ph), storage time.

Recycling feedstock

Coffee ground, Natural fabrics: wool, hay, straw and mycelium of Grown Bio

Feedstock Details Place Quantity made by the producer
Coffee ground Coffee grain is a trash for the coffee shop,inside company... Going directly to the bean. « La boite à café», 140m 100kg per month
Textile fabric Textile scraps in the lab. Linen fabric. Textile lab, Oullins, 8km A lot
Natural fabrics: wool, hay, straw After the Biennale of Contemponary Art, the installation was disassemble. Biennale of Contemponary Art, 1,5km 500L
Mycelium of Grown Bio Kit The Textile lab bought a big bag of mycelium for the week9. We keep some of them in the fridge. Some part of mycelium

Wednesday 4th January 2023,

Picture by Lauriane Beaumont

We had a funny adventure with Lauriane, Marion and Laora. The biennale in Lyon is finish, some exhibitions have dismantled. Going to pop in Lauriane mind is on the case as always! She see the annonce of facebook page, let's go with cars for collecting the treasure inside the parc of la tête d'or...

Men in masked suits like a scene from Breaking Bad welcome us. We wonder where we are going. Let's go and get as much as we can fit in our cars!

We collecting wool, hemp, hay, wood fibee, sisal fiber and others.

Spain grain

Feedstock Details Place Quantity made by the producer
Spain ground The spain grain is considering a stirring residue for the beer maker. La beer Fabric recycle it to giving to the company for going back to earth in agriculture. «La beer fabric» 160m 1 000kg per month

Every day, in my walk road near my appartment.

I walk past the storefront of the " La bière fabrique Lyon" it's a workspace for learning brewer.

I was looking for Extract of malt first and I finish for go outside with a lot of spent grain ( la drêche in french). Loris recommand me for growing mycelium on it, it's look perfect.

The team ( Lorris and Flo ) are really happy and enthousiast to see them waste going for having a second life and create a mycomaterials. They offer me the possibilities to take as much I want.

SCOBY of Kombucha

Kombucha it’s a fermented drink made most of the time with tea and sugar.

Le Scoby is the allegation name for Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast, or at times called Kombucha strain, Kombucha culture or Kombucha «mother».

Without it no fermentation or bubbles, just tea and sugar.

Feedstock Details Place Quantity made by the producer
SCOBY of Kombucha During the producing of Kombucha beverage, SCOBY grow in each tank, again and again. They was looking to recycling them. SCOBY are a trash for them. Pierre and Charles « La Pieuvre Noire kombucha», Lyon 10km Arround 2/3 big plain SCOBY every 2 weeks depending the production.

Thursday 2th of february 2023,

After having a kombucha died and the exchange withe Jessica Dias during mentoring session. I decided to find a bar of kombucha or kombucha shop in Lyon, fews research later I found La pieuvre Noire Let's go to call and meeting them!

Pierre, a nurse and actor, is passionate about organic and manual activities. He discovered kombucha in 2016 during a Do It Yourself workshop and after a few years of reflection, he decided to embark on the adventure of producing kombucha!

Charles, met Pierre through a friend and was quickly seduced by his organic and local project. He learned to appreciate kombucha and entrepreneurship and decided to join Pierre in parallel with his job as financial manager of a small business.

After a little explanation of them project, Pierre show me the tuns. They actually have the problem for recycling their scoby and are looking for person who want to create something with this. All of the kombucha are made with indian black tea, the tuns are all "natural". It's after during the bottling they had some flavour.

For the anecdote, fews days after meeting them, I was in the party organized inside this building, dancing near the Scoby... Too much signs for continuous to work with them.

Bloc of mycelium

Feedstock Details Place Quantity made by the producer
Bloc of mycelium: Shiitake, Pleurotus, Pleurotus Eryngii After the myciculteur collect the mushroom's on it ( arround 2 harvest), the bloc is a trash for him. Or going back to earth to be a compost. David Roy, « La Ferme du Pérée», 9,5km to the house of my mum Esclavolles-Lurey 4 blocs for the test

Friday 27th of January 2023,

The day before I was really stressed to having the mycelium in time for the Strate workshop after talking with the brand of Mycelia for the 7 weeks to be waiting. Finally Starte school of design order mycelium to Grown bio.

After this episode of stress I decide to found farmer of mushrooms for see if in case their are mycelium to give. And using waste of mycelium for see if it's growing again and using exclusively waste. During a phone call with my mum, she recommand me, to contact David! David Roy is her productor of vegetables. Little call phone later, let's go in the farm for meet David.

David has a farm till 17 years, La ferme du Pérré It's now 10years he want to make a mushrooms. He made some test for making button mushrooms few years ago. Finally the project stop due to the changement of the environnement of them.

David want to make more bigger project with mushrooms to make it in the future 200kg of mushrooms by week. The problem is underlign is actually the energy consommation.

He had some mycelium of shitake mushrooms, Pleurotus and Pleurotus eryngii. All the substrate has bought in La mycosphère.

We finally talk during all the morning about mushrooms, he explain me so much about sterilization, inoculation and growing phase of them.

Feedstock bought

Buying mycelium to Mycelia, came to the research made by Elise Elsacker,Mycelium matters - an interdisciplinary exploration of the fabrication and properties of mycelium-based materialsP124.

Aswell the aim was to test the differnt varieties of mycelium for see the colors aspect, solidity and having this transparency to the varieties I use. The mycelium arrived 7 weeks after to order it and start to using it lately.

Feedstock Producer Details
Spawn grain of mycelium: M9901 Pycnoporus sanguineus, M9726 Ganoderma lucidum, M9911 Trametes versicolor, M9740 Fomes fomentarius Mycelia Spawn grain as aswell the advantage to be mix with another substrate (example of the repartition possible: The 20% wt of fibres substrate, 70% wt of sterile demineralised H2O and 10% wt of mycelium spawn)

For more details about the price: Space and tools

Material for collect and storage

Material for the collect Details
Material Plastic bag, box
Notes Depending the quantity, need help to one more people
Transportation Car
Duration Arround half days
Material for the storage Details
Material Fridge, box in the fresh space, scotch and pencil for identify, Thermo-Hygromètre with Sonde CTH-608A
Space Cave, in the lab

For more details about the price: Space and tools

Last update: 2025-02-15