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2. Digital bodies

Research & Ideation

describe what you see in this imageBelchonock, licensed through 123RF Ltd

when I start using “make human” software during the lecture last week, It generate my feeling back as a little baby start using his touch sense to exploring all internal and external of surrounding environments, which making it important for sensory I was thinking how to combine the digital bodies with our routine life and want to let any kids to understand the digital bodies concept in easy way ,so I find that a hand can be a good example to start with it ,by using 3d scanner then printing it in leaser cutting machine then using it as mobile phone holder.

Process and workflow

At the being I was surfing thingiverse to find idea to work for the assignment ,which guided me directly to the hand with help of my fantasist Instructor “Claudia” that give me direction to use hand as mobile phone when she saw the picture .

Step (1) "Start my journey with "slicer ,MakeHuman & Rhino3d software."

*Download image to slicer then discovering the configurations.
in this slicer they are many techniques to choose from , I decide to used stacked panel slicer.

Step (2) Nesting & laser cutting

After I cilice the "hand object "in fusion 360 slicer I nested all the pcs in rhino ,then I imported the file for laser cutter ""

this step needs time since Rhino is heavy software from different point "technical part as it need a high level hardware equipment beside have massive information to be aware with and comes with practice & practice.


Material I used was MDF wood with thickness of 3mm

below is the laser settings for the Trotec speedy 400

Power: 100

Speed: 0.5

here is the final outcomes assembled below:


Tip while using Rhino3d:

  • make the rendering option to be from CPU than from Display adapter] this option will help you in increasing the performance of your laptop.
  • hairlines (0.001mm) for laser cutting
  • DXF Vs PDF with Rhino PDF will generate the sheet with 1 layer while DXF will generate it with 2 layer, so will increase the work when dealing with layer.

Tools I start to be familiar with :

3D Scanning

*make 3d scan for my self with help of Textile Amman team using 3d scanner "image to slicer then discovering the configurations.
the equipment i use to scan my head was Sense. Note: In TeckWorks Amman We Used Two Types Of Scanners : - Sense. - Artech.

And i use Sense. to scan my face .

In 3dSense is middle quality while Artech can give very good quality but need long time frame to finish scanning process.

Summary of the week:

This week was very intense but also very nice. That was a week that interested me because I want to develop my skills around digital tools.

That was very interesting to see how move from virtual environment to real environment.

Yet I have to practice more on using Rhino,as I have to discover all this new possibilities and I would like to use again softwares and techniques saw this week to go far away.

Fabrication files

Last update: 2023-04-13